Toei Animation's general shareholders' meeting was held in June 2024. Toei Animation is a listed company, and all shareholders can freely trade their shares.
On June 25, 2024, Toei Animation convened a general shareholders' meeting, and many shareholders gathered.
There is a shareholder (investor) of Toei Animation who has been compiling statements made by Toei Animation regarding PreCure on Twitter, so I will use their information to compile information related to PreCure.
By the way, the person who attended the shareholders' meeting from the PreCure production site was Takashi WASHIO (He is current executive officer of Toei Animation. he was a producer of the PreCure series from 2004 to 2007, and executive producer of Pretty Cure series in 2023).
Since much of the information held at shareholders' meetings is confidential, recording or filming is prohibited, but it is possible to take notes, so some shareholders (who are anime fans) apparently took notes in order to provide the information on the internet.
Questions from Shareholders
Q: I'd like to know about Pretty Cure franchise's overseas expansion in future.
I know that your PreCure series is not as well known or popular internationally as your other films Dragon Ball or One Piece, but PreCure All Stars F was screened in seven countries outside of Japan. How does your company view this response?
At last year's shareholders' meeting, your management team said that "we are at the stage where people overseas are beginning to see it," but has that changed since the above results?
(Suzuki, a member of the board of directors.)
First of all, as a director officer of this company, I would like to apologize for the congestion and confusion that occurred in the queues, including at the cash registers, at the All Pretty Cure Exhibition held in Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya last year to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Pretty Cure series.
Last year marked the 20th anniversary of Pretty Cure series.
And through the of All PreCure Live was held, and airing the Otona PreCure, and we have seen renewed interest in the PreCure series from adults overseas, particularly in Asia.
Our company's Executive Officer and Executive Producer, Washio, will be explaining our future plans.
(Washio, executive officer)
Now that PreCure has celebrated its 20th anniversary, we are thinking of putting our efforts into overseas markets once again for the PreCure series.
In other words, we are still considering expanding overseas in the future.
(Although this ultimately depends on the profits from the PreCure series overseas) We are thinking of doing the same things overseas as we do in Japan.
Q: I have a question about generative AI.
As you know, generative AI is a new technology, but there are also issues with copyright.
Most recently, there was a time when illustrations on PreCure products were suspected to be AI. I would like to know your company's thoughts on generative AI and how you manage the risks.
(Tsuji, Managing director)
Our company is also paying attention to the remarkable progress of generative AI.
Our animation production department believes that this will lead to improved productivity.
However, there are also risks in anime production that depends on the specifications of generative AI.
The legal framework regarding generative AI also differs by country and region, and there are issues of copyright and morality not only in Japan but also in other countries.
Our company is in a social position to protect copyrights and creators.
Therefore, regarding generative AI, we will develop measures and take action internally while watching trends in the world.
We are currently working on creating guidelines, such as rules for generative AI, and will make them known within the company.