"Pretty Cure All Stars" is a series of movies that are crossovers between the various Pretty Cure series that can otherwise be independent of each other. The movies often have plots such as calling all the Cures together to fight an evil that threatens to destroy the multiverse often formed by rements of earlier monsters defeated by the Cures.
This series includes the following movies:
- Pretty Cure All Stars DX: Minna Tomodachi - Kiseki no Zen'in Daishuugou!
- Pretty Cure All Stars DX 2: Kibou no Hikari - Rainbow Jewel o Mamore!
- Pretty Cure All Stars DX 3: Mirai ni Todoke! Sekai wo Tsunagu☆Niji-Iro no Hana
- Pretty Cure All Stars New Stage: Mirai no Tomodachi
- Pretty Cure All Stars New Stage 2: Kokoro no Tomodachi
- Pretty Cure All Stars New Stage 3: Eien no Tomodachi
Two animated shorts are also included:
- Pretty Cure All Stars DX: 3D Theatre
- Pretty Cure All Stars: GoGo Dream Live