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Pretty Cure Wiki
DPPC03 Arriving in the Delicious Field

Delicious Field (デリシャスフィールド)? is a special realm that exists in Delicious Party♡Pretty Cure.

Characteristics and Powers[]

Delicious Fields are fantastical desert-like realms with bright blue skies and have no particular powers. However, Cook Fighters and the Cures can trap Ubauzo and Bundoru Gang members inside a Delicious Field to protect civilians from potential harm.

As demonstrated by Rosemary, bright multicolored lights envelop the vicinity when a Delicious Field is summoned.

Only Cook Fighters with Special Delicious Stones can create Delicious Fields. The Cures and Cook Fighters are the only people allowed to be in the Delicious Fields. However, civilians might end up following them into the fields if they are accompanied by an Energy Fairy, curious about entering the Delicious Fields or carrying a Delicious Stone.


  • All four Cures and Takumi have all entered the Delicious Fields before as civilians.
    • Yui, Kokone and Ran entered the Delicious Field as civilians due to their Energy Fairies and their urges.
    • Amane was a Bundoru Gang member and later was briefly caught by an Ubauzo when entering the Delicious Field as a hostage.
    • Takumi was able to enter due to his Delicious Stone before he became Black Pepper.
  • Rosemary is the only Cook Fighter shown to create Delicious Fields.

