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Deusmast (デウスマスト Deusumasuto)? is the true main antagonist of Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure!.

Deusmast is a god-like being whose intention is to unleash chaos upon the worlds. It is also the creator of Mugic.



Deusmast looks like a black giant demon with red markings on their face. Their lower half well is a dark swirling vortex.


A being made out of chaos, Deusmast is mindlessly power-hungry, destroying everything on its path.


The name Deustmast comes from "deus", Latin for "God" or "Celestial Being". The word "Mast" can be alluded to a tall construction or part of a sail, though likely it is also derived from the English word "Master", which is related to how it is the mastermind behind Dokurokushe's corruption.


Eons ago, Deusmast formed itself, and began devouring planets in the universe. Mother RaPaPa battled against the entity, resulting in Deusmast being sealed into the sun. However, prior to being sealed, Orba scattered information to ensure he and the other agents, along with Deusmast's main body, could be revived by those who want power for themselves. This successfully led Kushe into the trap of creating and naming Dark Magic.

The form of Deusmast emerges from the sun to reveal its true appearance.MTPC47

Deusmast is revealed to be actually a fusion of the members of Never Ending Chaos, who are the manifestations of its physical powers, the brawn and brain of Deusmast. Thus, Labut, Shakince, Orba and Benigyo are all Deusmast, and take on the form of large eyeball-like spheres, surrounding and controlling the more humanoid main "body". They fuse the No Magic World and Magic World together, but the force of Mother RaPaPa in the form of the great tree is still preventing the eternal chaos they plan on unleashing on the worlds.MTPC48

Deusmast is eventually defeated by Extreme Rainbow, disappearing and destroyed as they are banished.MTPC49

Despite its demise, some of Deusmast's remaining followers can still be tamed. This is shown through one that has been tamed by Ire, the main antagonist of ~MIRAI DAYS~.MTPCMD01 It is later revealed that Ire has even tamed even more surviving followers of Deusmast,MTPCMD02 and according to him, the true form of Deusmast is made up of multiple fragments that have their own minds, meaning that it will be invincible had all of the fragments been collected.MTPCMD04


Deusmast is the origin of "Mugic" (無法 Muhō)?, which is the destructive and chaotic power that allows the Never Ending Chaos members to bend reality and spread chaos. Their chaotic nature allows them to swallow many planets at once in the universe, and is also capable of merging worlds together.


  • Deusmast is the first main antagonist in the franchise to:
    • be an amalgamation of different existing villains.
    • have more than one voice actor.

