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Hisui (ひすい)? is a mysterious girl who appears before Mirai and Liko in Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure!! ~MIRAI DAYS~. Her nickname is Hi-chan (ひーちゃん)?.



As a younger child, Hisui has long jade hair with pink highlights that is held up into twin tails by pink hair ties. She wears a pink butterfly clip to hold back her bangs on the left side of her face. Her eyes are jade green with yellow butterflies in them, and white flower-shaped pupils. Hisui wears a pale yellow blouse with a white frilly collar and sleeves, with matching pale yellow sleeves on her arms, and a puffy green skirt. Her shoes are jade green, and worn with pale yellow frilly socks.

As an older child, Hisui wears a brown blouse with white frills and collar, and red buttons. She also has two yellow frilly cuffs on both wrists, a pair of green puffy shorts with yellow butterfly patterns and frills, matched with short yellow socks and green shoes with pink flowers. She sometimes wears an orange blouse with yellow frilled sleeves, a pair of light green suspenders with yellow buttons, and teal sneakers.


Being a child, Hisui is curious, naive, and stubborn. However, she can also be sweet and caring towards the girls and Mofurun.


  • Asahina Mirai and Izayoi Liko: After meeting Mirai and Liko, Hisui grows to trust them quickly as her parental figures. Hisui was initially frustrated at them for being overprotective, but eventually came to understand why they are.
  • Mofurun: Hisui grows close with Mofurun quickly, finding the teddy bear a comfortable companion to be with.
  • Ha-chan: Hisui dislikes being compared to Ha-chan. However, she begins to form a connection with Ha-chan when she meets her when using magic for the first time.


Hisui (ひすい)? means "jade".[1] Jade is a hard, typically green stone used for ornaments and implements, consisting of the minerals jadeite or nephrite.


Hisui is first seen in Cure Felice's eyes through Ire's perspective. She is then seen by Ire again, before the Cures and Mofurun spot her.MTPCMD01 The girls and Mofurun then learn that she has no name, and don't know where she came from and who she is. Hisui is then taken to the Magic World to meet Kouchou and Magic Crystal, who want to investigate her origins. At the Magic Shopping Street, Hisui names herself and grows closer to the girls and Mofurun after they get her new clothes and a wand. She almost gets caught by Ire's monster until Miracle and Magical save her in their Ruby Style.MTPCMD02

Sometime later, Hisui has grown a bit older. She is given permission to live with the Asahina household in the No Magic World. Along with the Cures, she is trapped in Ire's Space Field, but the Cures protect her once again. However, she becomes scared when she learns that Ire will keep trying to catch her.MTPCMD03

Sometime later, Hisui is frustrated with Liko being overprotective of her during a mission of finding a lost cat. After expressing to Liko that she's sick of being compared to Ha-chan constantly, and being treated like a child, Hisui runs away. She ends up running into Ire, but Miracle and Magical arrive to save her. Realizing how much Miracle and Magical care about her, Hisui suddenly unleashes her magic with her wooden wand, and meets Ha-chan for the first time. Hisui is thrilled about using magic by herself, and when Danpa shows up, Hisui thinks it's because of her spell. However, it turns out Hisui doesn't quite have magic, as she couldn't make juice appear out of thin air.MTPCMD04


Hisui normally can't use magic. However, she appears to be able to unleash magic if under circumstances that requires her determination.



Main Page: Hisui/Image Gallery

