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Pretty Cure Wiki
DPPC17 Hoka-Hoka Hearts surround a little girl

Hoka-Hoka Hearts (ほかほかハート)? are sources of deliciousness and happiness that exist in the setting of Delicious Party♡Pretty Cure. They are also magical powers that can power up the Cures.

Characteristics and Powers[]

Hoka-Hoka Hearts are untouchable light pink hearts. They are born from people's enjoyment and gratitude towards delicious meals and associated joyful memories. Recipepes are usually attracted to eateries and settlements that exude a strong presence of Hoka-Hoka Hearts. Without meals and happy memories, there will also be no Hoka-Hoka Hearts.

Hoka-Hoka Hearts not only enhance the joy of those who are enjoying their meals with their loved ones, they are also able to tremendously boost the Cures' power. Combined Hoka-Hoka Hearts from happy people, which are notably stored in Oishiina Town's lucky cats as the Hoka-Hoka Hearts Accumulators, are able to boost the Cures and Cook Fighters' attacks greatly. As demonstrated in episode 44, the combined Hoka-Hoka Hearts are enough to make the biggest lucky cat sentient and help the Cures.

Hoka-Hoka Hearts can also repair broken items, such as Takumi's Delicious Stone. Additionally, they can create transformation items, like the Heart Fruits Pendant for Amane from her and the Parfait Recipepe's crystallized feelings.

Revealed in episode 38, Ginger created a Hoka-Hoka Hearts Accumulator for Oishiina Town in the past with Pam-Pam, Mem-Mem and Kome-Kome I, but it resulted in Kome-Kome I's sacrifice, and the loss of Pam-Pam and Mem-Mem's memories.


  • It is never explained what happens to Hoka-Hoka Hearts if the Recipepes are captured.
  • Hoka-Hoka (ほかほか)? is an onomatopoeia for "warmth" in Japanese.[1]


