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Ijuin Kimimaro (伊集院キミマロ Ijūin Kimimaro)? is a minor character who appears in Go! Princess Pretty Cure. He is a rich super celebrity, Kaido Minami's classmate, childhood friend and self-proclaimed fiancé. His dream is the desire to "take a step forward with Minami". He first appeared in episode 32. In episode 50, Kimimaro now attends Noble Academy.



Kimimaro has brown hair with blue eyes. His casual wear consists of a white suit with a red rose attached to his tuxedo jacket. He wears a periwinkle colored tie around his neck and his shoes are white.


Kimimaro thinks highly of himself, and can be rather jealous and possessive at first. However, he later learns to become more understanding and is apologetic enough to acknowledge his mistakes.


  • Kaido Minami: Kimimaro has known Minami since their childhood and has had a crush on her ever since. At the beginning, he struggled to cope with Minami's change and was jealous of her being friends with Haruka, but after he was scolded by Minami for his rudeness, he soon learns to accept her as she is and promises her to return after improving himself as a gentleman.


Kimimaro is a student of Noble Academy who studies abroad in England. When summer vacation comes, he returns to Noble Academy to see Minami.

Kimimaro enjoys the day with Minami and his personal security staff. During lunch time, he notices how much Minami has changed and almost passes out when she licks a cut on her finger. Considering Haruka as a bad influence, he investigates her background and finally confronts her about her friendship with Minami.

Considering her friendship with Minami inappropriate, Kimimaro asked Haruka to stay away from her. Minami, who was eavesdropping, confronts him, demanding to know why he would say such a thing. She insists that if something was wrong, he should talk to her directly. After he suggests that she didn't need an "entourage" like Haruka, she angrily retorts, expressing her frustration that he wasn't considering her feelings. Haruka is a dear friend to her, and she refuses to accept him speaking to her in that manner. Minami then storms off, leaving him feeling light-headed. He proceeds to ask his security to give him some space for a while.

Stop & Freeze appear and lock his dream inside a cage of despair, using it to summon a powerful Zetsuborg. The Zetsuborg is purified with Éclat Espoir and Cure Mermaid uses her Dress Up Key to restore his dream.

At the end of the episode, Kimimaro apologizes for what he had done and promises Minami that when he becomes a gentleman befitting for her, he will return and ask for her hand.

