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Ire (アイル)? is the main antagonist from Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure!! ~MIRAI DAYS~.



Ire has short orange hair with a yellow strand of hair on the right. His eyes are brown. Ire wears a red jacket with yellow trims on his sleeves, collar, and around his pockets. He also wears a grey shirt, jeans, and black sneakers that have yellow laces. He has two silver piercings on his ears.


Ire is a ruthless and mysterious man who is clever enough to manipulate many of Deusmast's surviving followers for his own selfish purposes. He possesses a deep knowledge of supernatural elements, including Mugic. Despite his tough demeanor, he has a soft spot for his dog.


  • Asahina Mirai: Out of the three Cures, Ire has the most interest in Mirai. He is one of the few people who knows she is Cure Miracle, while also finding it entertaining to target her for his own gain and amusement.
  • Hisui: Ire views the little girl as his primary target, knowing that she has powers which he can take control of for himself.


Ire refers to an intense form of anger.[1]


Ire appears before Mother RaPaPa II, and reveals he has tamed one of Deusmast's surviving followers. He then forces her to revert back to being Cure Felice, and uses his Dark Magic to swallow her in an explosion of light. Ire later meets up with his dog in Tsunagi Town, and summons a bear monster. Once Cure Miracle and Cure Magical appear, he summons a different dimension and watches them defeat the monster. After the battle, Ire introduces himself to the Cures. He tells them they'll meet again in 14 hours and 4 minutes, where Miracle will find herself in despair. As he leaves, Ire reveals that he knows Miracle's civilian identity, and glances in Hisui's direction.MTPCMD01

After walking his dog, Ire decides to summon another monster in an attempt to capture Hisui. He then appears in a premonition which Mirai receives that night about how he is planning to potentially harm Hisui for his own agenda.MTPCMD02

Ire is seen in a vision Mirai has while she's in class. In reality, Ire notices Liko has left her phone unattended, so he briefly talks to Mirai on Liko's phone, who quickly arrives at the park to make sure Liko is alright. Ire then traps the girls and Hisui inside his Space Field. With his Mugic, he predicts the Cures' every move. He also reveals how he knows everything about Miracle and Magical, before taking his leave. At home, Ire tells his dog he wishes he had seen a different past, as we see a photograph of his childhood self with a mysterious woman.MTPCMD03

Ire shows up in front of Hisui again, but Mirai and Liko confront him. He reveals to Miracle and Magical that the Deusmast they defeated was in an incomplete state, and he is currently collecting the remaining fragments of Deusmast to complete his plan. He tries to catch Hisui again, but decides to keep observing her for now after witnessing her unleashing her magic for the first time.MTPCMD04


With his tamed followers, Ire is able to harness Dark Magic for warping dimensions into creating a strange realm named Space Field, and predicting the future. He is also able to summon monsters that come in various forms.



Main Page: Ire/Image Gallery

