Izayoi Liko (十六夜リコ )? is one of the three main Cures in Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure!. She's a second-year student at Magic School in the Magic World and also attends Tsunagi First Middle School in the No Magic World again as a second-year student.
Liko's alter ego is Cure Magical (キュアマジカル )?. Her catchphrase is "All according to my calculations" (計算通りだから )?.
Her Pretty Cure partner is Cure Miracle.
Liko has dark magenta eyes and long, straightened dark purple hair partially worn up in a ponytail with a light pink pom-pom and short bangs.
Casually she wears a light blue elbow-length top under an indigo jumper with a red sash and purple, white, and green flowers printed on it. She also wears black Mary-Janes and pastel indigo tube socks. For summer, she wears a white and indigo blouse with puffy sleeves and a light blue pencil skirt with matching suspenders over it. She also wears white socks and purple shoes.
During winter, she wears a dark red dress with a cream collar and white sleeves, gray tights, dark gray boots, and a pale purple duffel coat.
In the movie, she wears a pale yellow turtleneck and a blue plaid dress. She also wears grey tights and brown boots with purple straps. For the festival, her hair is in a ponytail and her dress is purple with three larger bows of different colors in the front of the skirt and blue puffy sleeves with red ribbons. She also has a purple choker, white gloves, and purple ankle-length boots.
When older, her hair is worn in a ponytail swept over the right shoulder, while retaining the light pink pom-pom. She wears a white frilly long-sleeved blouse, and a red bow-tie. Her skirt is purple and reaches her knees, with a purple band with gold buttons on top. She also wears black tights, and purple high-heeled shoes. She sometimes wears a purple hat and shawl when teaching in classes.
Her alternative adult outfit is a dark purple blouse with pale lilac collars and lavender buttons, a dark lilac suspender dress with a purple ribbon and a pale purple stripe, light maroon tights, and a pair of purple flats with some star patterns.
As Cure Magical, her eyes become lighter and her hair thickens and brightens, growing to her waist, while her shorter ponytail is fanned out in two sections with a red bow. She wears a small black witch hat on the left side of her head with pearls, stars, and a pink Pom-Pom hanging from it. She also wears gold-pearl earrings. She wears a sleeveless purple dress with a high collar, two pink bows, and four tail-like sections. Underneath is a light purple skirt with lighter frills. On her chest is a light purple gem with a red ribbon at the bottom. On her shoulders is a short cream cape. Her gloves are opera-length and dull purple with a gold bracelet around each wrist. Her boots match her gloves with purple toe tips and thin red anklets. She has the bracelets in her other forms.
In Ruby Style, her hair is now in twin-tails held by deep red ribbons while her earrings become star-shaped. She wears a red and black dress with a bright red skirt, a red choker, and off-shoulder sleeves trimmed with white fluff. The front ribbon is crimson and white with a ruby in the center. Each side has a long magenta ribbon with a gold star at the center. She also wears red and black leg warmers along with red shoes with a gold star on top.
In Sapphire Style, her hair is worn in a high cone-like ponytail with a light blue ribbon woven into it along with gold stars and a braid across her head. Her hat gains two crimson feathers and her earrings become droplets. She wears a dark blue crop top and choker with a pastel purple to pale pink gradient skirt. Worn over it is an additional blue skirt along with two silver and gold bands around her waist. Over her outfit is a light blue top tied on the left with dark blue tails with yellow tassels and held by a sky blue bow with a sapphire gem. She also wears blue sleeves with a gold ring on the middle finger, along with a light blue scarf around the arms. She wears dark blue leg warmers with matching sandals.
In Topaz Style, most of her hair is worn loose but she has a thick braided ring on each side of her head. On the right side of her head is an orange and yellow pudding. She wears a yellow dress with darker sleeves and a split skirt resembling dripping caramel sauce with a pale pink ribbon and cream dollops. Underneath is a puffy yellow skirt with a lilac ruffle on top. On the chest is a burnt orange ribbon with a topaz diamond. In the back is a golden yellow bow. She also wears orange stockings fluffy light yellow anklets and crimson high heels with dollops on top. Her accessories include orange wristbands with a cream dollop on the middle finger, yellow earrings, and a yellow collar-like choker.
In Alexandrite Style, she resembles Dia Style but with various differences. Her hair grows while her hat becomes bigger and gains a light turquoise bow with a magenta rose and various charms, ribbons, and feathers. Her dress becomes lighter with a wing-like collar and ruffles in the front along with thicker tails. The skirt is solid purple. The stone at the middle is an alexandrite. On her back is a light purple ruffled train with a longer white one behind it and pale purple bows at each end. Her boots are solid indigo with a red ribbon around the right ankle and a gold anklet on the left. She now wears purple translucent sleeves and light purple rings on both middle fingers. Her cape is now longer and light purple.
Heartful Style resembles her Alexandrite Style. Her hat turns light purple and the bow is replaced by a pair of pale lilac wings and a large purple star with gold pearls. The top layer of her dress becomes light purple and the waist bow becomes wing-like. On her chest is a heart-shaped gem. The ribbons on the tips of the skirt are now a pair of pale pink wings with pink hearts, while her boots are white with a pink ribbon on the ankle. Her wings are pale lilac.
As Super Cure Magical, her ponytail grows substantially larger and her bow has a gold star on it. She now wears a purple choker. Her outfit changes, with her skirt gaining more layers and the one on top shortening and changing shape. Her sleeves and the front and back bows grow while the jewel on her chest changes into a lilac star. She loses her cape, and her gloves shorten. Her boots remain the same but now have a gold cuff with a star at the center. She also has a pair of large pale blue angel wings.
Her Pink Dia Style is similar to her normal Dia Style with several modifications. The white ruffle under her hat is replaced with four pale purple petal-like protrusions and a short translucent purple veil on the left. The top part of her bodice is more rounded and she gains white puffy sleeves in place of the wraps from her cape. The midsection of her bodice has a white ruffled insert and gold lining at the bottom, making it resemble a vest. The tails have gold diamond-shaped marks on the ends of them and each section has a pale purple diamond hanging from it. The front of her skirt shortens drastically, revealing a pair of pale purple bloomers. The ends of her gloves become slightly scalloped while her boots gain light purple soles and gold straps that go up her legs with a narrow diamond shape at the top.
Liko is a serious thirteen year old girl who attends a school in the magic world. She is great at studying but her magic is weak. She is insecure but hopes to become a respectable witch in the future like her sister. Liko is unsure of what she wants to do when she grows up and often worries about it, but after she lives with Mirai, her life becomes a little less worrisome and more bright.
As a teenager and late adult, Liko can sometimes be too overprotective of her loved ones, but gradually learns to loosen up for their sake.
- Asahina Mirai: Mirai and Liko meet by chance and become Pretty Cure partners, gradually building an inseperable bond, which is also strengthened by them taking responsibility and raising Ha-chan. In the manga, their relationship has a romantic note, with emphasis on them raising a child together like a lovey-dovey couple.
- Liz: Liz is Liko's older sister. When they were young, Liz was Liko's role model, but after Liz became a student in Magic School, their relationship became strained due to them being separated, and things became even worse when Liko became a student and found out that in spite of imitating her sister, she didn't have the same talent when it came to practical magic. However, Liko still loves her sister and is determined to one day surpass her, and they later learn to repair their relationship.
- Ha-chan: Liko helped raise Ha-chan as a child and was happy to reunite with her after their battle with Dokurokushe. Liko is also very surprised by Ha-chan's magical ability. It is also implied in the manga that Ha-chan is her adoptive child. Compared to Mirai, Liko is the stricter parent, who tolerates less of Ha-chan's impulsiveness.
- Lian: Her father. Liko initially thought that Lian only cared about work instead of her well-being, because of him always working for long distance and his task-oriented personality, although she still cares for him. However, she realizes that Lian still loves and cares for her after he protected her from Benigyo, and they begin to have a better understanding and relationship for each other.
- Lilia: Her mother. Although Liko sometimes finds Lilia over-affectionate, she still loves her mother. She also remembers Lilia telling her favorite bedtime story when she was a child.
- Hisui: A little girl who she met with Mirai and Mofurun. Liko grows close to Hisui as a parental figure, but also becomes concerned when knowing that the villain Ire plans to hurt the child for his own dangerous gain. However, she eventually has more faith in Hisui after realizing how Hisui feels.
Izayoi (十六夜 )? means "sixteen-day-old moon". A sixteen-day-old moon has just passed its fullest phase, so it is at this point that its brightness begins to decline.
Liko (リコ )? has no meaning in katakana but in kanji, it has two meanings. It can mean 'jasmine child' with the kanji 莉子 or 'truthful child' with 理子. It also resembles 利口な (rikou na), which is Japanese for "smart".[1]
Cure Magical means something that can be produced by or as if it is magic. [2]
Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure![]
When Liko's Magic Wand was created, it was blessed by a shooting star. This is why Liz gave her pendant, which was the Linkle Stone Dia, to Liko, because she thought it was a sign that Liko would become an even greater magician than Liz.
As a child, Liko used to be closer with her family. She used to learn how to use magic with Liz as well. However, after Liz enrolled into the Magic School and her father Lian became more busy with his job, Liko gradually drifted apart from them and a wedge between them was formed.
Meeting Mirai[]
Liko is out one night flying on her magic broom while looking for the Linkle Stone Emerald. As she spins out of control, she falls into a tree and grabs onto a branch, boasting to a nearby cat that she meant to do that, but falls again as the branch snaps. The next morning, she is out searching again. Almost falling off her broom, she notices a girl had dropped something. She decides to tell her then slowly floats away again but the girl chases after her and tells her she saw her last night. She introduces herself as Asahina Mirai and asks to be her friend but Liko tells her she is in a hurry and speaks the magic words "Cure Up! Ra-pa-pa!" and takes off on the broom once more as Mirai grabs on and tells her not to leave. Having one more passenger than usual, Liko runs out of energy and the broom loses its magic. As both girls start to fall, Liko's pendant begins to glow and she notices that Mirai has the same one but in pink. They both float in the air for a while as they are both surprised that they have the same pendant but soon fall back down after realizing they are hungry.
Mirai treats the magician to strawberry melon bread to restore her energy and she asks if she can ride her broom. Liko tells her that it's only built for one person but since she helped her with getting something to eat, she decides to show Mirai some magic. She demonstrates it with her magic wand on a cat, trying to make it speak but is only able to make it yap and say "blah, blah" repeatedly. Mirai suggests for Liko to use her magic on Mofurun. She tells Mirai that it's impossible because toys can't talk in the first place. Mirai tells her that her grandmother gave Mofurun to her when she was born so they are like siblings and she wishes she was able to talk to it. After being thanked by Mirai again, Liko decides to finally introduce herself.MTPC01
Becoming Pretty Cure[]
Liko decides to part ways with Mirai and keep searching for the Linkle Stone Emerald but Mirai decides to tag along anyway, wondering why both their pendants where shining. They are then approached by a mysterious person named Batty, who is also looking for the Linkle Stone Emerald. Liko asks him what he knows about the Linkle Stones but Mirai drags Liko with her and runs away, saying she feels a dangerous presence from the person. But Batty appears in front of them again, talks about the Linkle Stones and decides to attack the girls. Liko activates her broom and tries to get away with Mirai. Batty still catches up to them and summons a Yokubaru from a nearby truck and flies after them. Mofurun is blown away from Mirai's basket from the wind and Liko catches it but is knocked off her broom by the Yokubaru. Mirai manages to grab her hand in time but falls off the broom while still holding onto it. Batty mocks Liko about not being able to do anything from the start and she begins chanting "Cure Up! Ra-pa-pa! Monster go far away!" Batty laughs at her but Mirai joins in and chants with Liko.
As they grip their hands and chant the magic words one more time, their purple and pink pendants turn to golden ones as Mofurun's appearance changes. By inserting their pendants into Mofurun's bow tie, the girls then transform into Pretty Cure, Cure Miracle, and Cure Magical. They manage to dodge the Yokubaru's attacks and soon defeat it. After they turn back to normal, Mirai looks for Mofurun and finds out he is now living and able to speak. Liko takes Mirai to the station saying she needs to return to her school and tell someone about what happened. She uses a special card to change the train station's appearance so that they will be able to go to the Magic World's Magic School.MTPC01
Arriving At The Magic School[]
As both girls are on their way to the Magic World on a magic train pulled by a giant snail named Snailiner, Liko wonders how Mofurun is now able to speak. Mofurun says he just really wanted to talk with Mirai. Liko guesses that it must be connected to them becoming Pretty Cure. Mirai asks Liko what Pretty Cure is and she tells her that they are the magicians of legend and becomes excited knowing that she will be praised by the professors for becoming one. Liko then treats Mirai to a frozen orange and decides to show her more of her magic by thawing it out but only manages to do so halfway as Mirai mentions it's still cold and hard, yet tasty. After finally reaching the Magic School, Mirai mentions how Liko's wand is amazing and that she wants one too, but Liko tells her that magic wands are only given to magicians from birth. Kyoto then appears and scolds Liko for leaving the Magic World and bringing a human with her without permission. Liko quickly tells her that she and Mirai became Pretty Cure but she does not believe her and tells her she will be discussing her punishment with the principal. She tells Liko to wait in the classroom or else she will be expelled. Mirai feels that it's her fault but Liko tells her it's not and admits she is not good at magic and decides to travel to the No Magic World to find the Linkle Stone Emerald to impress her professors. After Mirai revives confidence from Mofurun and her glowing Linkle Stone Dia, she decides to talk to the Kouchou herself and tells Liko to stay in the classroom.
While waiting for Mirai, Liko wonders why she is so eager to help her since they only just met. Worried that she might have gotten lost, Liko disobeys Kyoto's warnings and goes outside to look for Mirai. She then saves her from Batty by flying into him on her broom and knocks him over, saying she meant to do that. Mirai thanks Liko for saving her and they transform into Pretty Cure again and defeat the Yokubaru with Diamond Eternal. Liko asks Mirai how she got a magic wand as the Kouchou appears and tells her she received it from the Wand Tree. Liko is startled and Mirai only realizes that the man is in fact Kouchou and tells him that they became Pretty Cure, only to be interrupted by him as he tells them he would like them to attend classes together, which surprises them both.MTPC02
Magic Lessons[]
Liko and Mirai start attending magic lessons. Their first lesson is to catch a paper butterfly. Liko is paired with Mirai and they start trying to catch it. Liko gets separated from Mirai and looks for her. She finds her in the magic library where Gamettsu attacks them. They defeat him and find a mysterious glowing object. A baby is born from it.MTPC04
The lessons continue, where the class is sent to a frozen region of the Magic World. Their lesson is to boil a kettle with magic. Everyone in the class but Liko passes which frustrates her. Since Mirai passed the lesson, Liko gets in a fight with her. When Mirai goes flying after the Yokubaru attacks her, Liko calls out her name and they transform into their Ruby Style and defeat the Yokubaru. The girls now have possession of the Linkle Stone Aquamarine and Liko becomes better friends with Mirai.MTPC05
Parting Ways With Mirai And Arriving At The No Magic World[]
Soon, the final lesson, which is about making the flower on Liz's hat bloom, comes. However, it also means to Liko that Mirai's time at the Magic World has come to an end. Even though both are upset about this fact, Liko is moved by how Mirai still wants her to pass the test and achieve her dream of becoming the greatest magician. After the fight with Batty, a few days later Liko and Ha-chan have to watch Mirai and Mofurun leave on the Snailier, and both Liko and Mirai are separated with each other in tears. But soon, Kouchou and Magic Crystal send Liko to the No Magic World after they find out that a new Linkle Stone has been discovered there, and thus reunites both Liko and Mirai. MTPC09
When first arriving at the No Magic World, Liko is unfamiliar with the new surroundings, and she soon gets lost when trying to chase a crow that has snatched the Linkle Stone Topaz. When feeling hungry and weak, she meets Mirai's mother Kyoko, and gets to know Mirai better through her.MTPC10
Raising Ha-chan[]
As time passes, both Liko and Mirai grow closer to Ha-chan as her mother figures. During their time in the No Magic World, she and Mirai always take Ha-chan along with them.
One day, when Liko is too focused on studying while Mirai has overslept, they both unknowingly make Ha-chan grumpy, and soon she and Mirai are shocked that Ha-chan is transforming between forms due to using all the available Linkle Stones at once to feed herself. They both have to search for her while trying to stop Ha-chan from causing more fuss at their school with her form changes. After rescuing Ha-chan from Sparda, Liko and Mirai promise Ha-chan to pay more attention to her needs as they accept her apology.MTPC15
Unfortunately, Dokurokushe later finds out about Ha-chan and gets his grip on her, and no matter how Magical and Miracle try fighting back, they can't prevent the outcome of him trapping Ha-chan inside his body. To both girls' shock, they witness Ha-chan growing into her final form and disappearing after Dokurokushe is purified and meets his demise.MTPC21 But sometime later, Liko and Mirai come across Cure Felice who arrives to join and help them defeat Yamoh, and to their immense joy, Felice's real identity is actually Ha-chan as they recognize and are reunited with her.MTPC22
Relationship With Her Family[]
During the season's events, Liko slowly begins to patch up her respective relationships with her family.
When Liz replaces Isaac-sensei as the substitute teacher for teaching how to create a shape from water, Liko tries to impress Liz. Frustrated at her own constant failures, Liko gets angry when Liz tells her to be less ambitious, and storms off. However, after Mirai tells Liko that Liz actually sees potential in her, Magical begins to appreciate Liz again as she and Miracle save Liz from Sparda's Yokubaru. She later apologizes to Liz for her behavior, and Liz in turn is happy that Liko really shows her own potential.MTPC06
As Lian is tasked to come to the No Magic World to investigate about the Linkle Stones, Liko becomes rather awkward around him, as he has learned her identity as Magical from Kouchou and how he is very engrossed in his task, neglecting her feelings as a result. But then, she learns that her father actually still loves and cares for her after Mirai tells her how Daikichi expressed his care upon reuniting with Mirai, and she decides to protect Lian from Benigyo, after witnessing him being overpowered by Benigyo's Donyokubaru. She then bids Lian goodbye after listening to him apologize to her and leaving after he promises to visit her with her mother.MTPC33
When Liko's family comes to visit her on her birthday, Liko is embarrassed by her mother Lilia's over-affection. But after overhearing how Lilia has invested her feelings to make her feel happy and loved, and later Lilia telling her that she is happy to see how much she has improved after she arrived in No Magic World, Liko realizes that her mother loves and cares for her. After a fight with Shakince's Donyokubaru, that night Liko gains the courage to thank them for organizing her a birthday party, and looks forward to the next time that her family promises to make more grander.MTPC40
Running For Student Council President[]
Upon learning that the school is holding a student council president election, Liko is persuaded and quickly enrolls herself as a candidate against Namiki Yuuto. However, after hearing how Yuuto has a clear goal for becoming the potential president, Liko realizes that she doesn't have a good reason for running for the position. Inspired by Yuuto who wants to protect the flowerbed, Magical is overflowed with power and musters up the courage to fight against Benigyo's Donyokubaru. She then voluntarily hands the president position to Yuuto, as she decides that she wants to figure out more about herself, as well as Yuuto being more suitable for the role. She apologizes to her supporters and as she shakes hands with Yuuto, Liko hopes someday she will find her answer.MTPC35
As Deusmast forcibly fuses both No Magic World and Magic World together, Liko and her companions come together to fight against him to protect both worlds from his destruction. However, after the fight, Liko has to be separated from Mirai as Kotoha fully inherits Mother RaPaPa's power and dispatches both worlds back to their places. She tearfully bids Mirai farewell as they are forced to be dragged back to their respective worlds.
Six years later, Liko has become a teacher of the Magic School, and on the fateful night she first met Mirai, she finally reunites with Mirai, who she spots descending from a great height after catching Mofurun. They are both joined by Mofurun and Kotoha as they finally reunite as a family.MTPC49
Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure!! ~MIRAI DAYS~[]
A year after reuniting with Mirai, Mofurun and Ha-chan, Liko continues being a teacher at the Magic School. When asked by Liz about why she doesn't visit Mirai often, Liko excuses herself by saying that she has to prioritize her teaching career. She notices that something has changed about her Linkle Stone Dia, though she doesn't know why.
The next day, Liko finally meets Mirai and Mofurun again, when she finds out about the teddy bear monster and saves Mofurun who fell off Mirai. She and Mirai transform into Pretty Cure once again, though she reminds Miracle to focus while acknowledging that their clothes have changed. After Magical and Miracle purify the monster, Magical is shocked when she learns that Ire knows Miracle's true identity. She along with Miracle and Mofurun then notice a strange little girl who has looks like Ha-chan.MTPCMD01
After meeting the little girl, Liko, along with Mirai and Mofurun, takes the girl with them to the Magic World. Liko also tells Mirai that she and the Headmaster had received a prediction from Magic Crystal about a new calamity happening, and the child might be related to the prediction and Ha-chan. Liko and Mirai would grow close to the child, who names herself Hisui, by giving her new clothes and a wand, while also protecting her as Cure Magical and Cure Miracle. However, that night Liko would receive a premonition remembering how she used to find ways to have the Magic World and No Magic World connect again, and rushes to find Mirai who is standing in front of her with a saddened expression.MTPCMD02
Liko and Hisui are given permission to live with the Asahina household. Afterwards, Liko buys a phone but needs Mirai's help to purchase one. The next day, after looking through CureSta to investigate Ire, Liko leaves her phone unattended to buy more Strawberry Melon Bread with Hisui. Liko is unaware that Ire used her phone to talk to Mirai. When Liko returns, she is surprised to see Mirai, but is more shocked to see Ire with her phone, but quickly realizes it was her fault for leaving it unattended. During the battle, Magical and Miracle find out that Ire is able to predict their every move and words, and that he is able to time travel. Although still confused by Ire's agenda, Liko is determined to change the future.MTPCMD03
When helping Mirai with finding a child's lost cat, Liko becomes overprotective of Hisui, who subsequently becomes frustrated at her. After finding out that her father Lian has been following them, Liko complains to him that he should stop treating her as a child. However, after seeing Hisui get fed up and run away from her, Liko realizes that she has gone too far with her overprotectiveness. Magical, along with Miracle, is then surprised by Ire revealing how the Deusmast she and her team defeated seven years ago was an incomplete version, as well as witnessing Hisui using magic for the first time. After the fight, Liko and Mirai are told by Hisui that she has seen Ha-chan.MTPCMD04
Cure Magical[]

Cure Magical
Futari no Mahō! Kyua Majikaru!
Cure Magical (キュアマジカル )? is the Pretty Cure alter ego of Liko. Alongside Asahina Mirai, she transforms with the phrase Miracle・Magical・Jewelryle!. This form allows her to use the silver rimmed Stones to perform spells. In this form, she can perform Diamond Eternal alongside Cure Miracle.
Ruby Style[]

Ruby Style
Ruby Style (ルビースタイル )? is the form that Liko obtains in episode 3, alongside Mirai. To transform, she must be with Mirai and have Mofurun, her Linkle Stone Ruby and say the phrase Miracle・Magical・Jewelryle!. This form gives Cure Magical increased physical strength. She can perform Ruby Passionale in this form.
Sapphire Style[]

Sapphire Style
Sapphire Style (サファイアスタイル )? is the form that Liko obtains in episode 7, alongside Mirai. To transform, she must be with Mirai and have Mofurun, her Linkle Stone Sapphire and say the phrase Miracle・Magical・Jewelryle!. This form gives Cure Magical the ability to fly as well as increased speed. She can perform Sapphire Smartish in this form.
Topaz Style[]

Topaz Style
Topaz Style (トパーズスタイル )? is the form that Liko obtains in episode 11, alongside Mirai. To transform, she must be with Mirai and have Mofurun, her Linkle Stone Topaz and say the phrase Miracle・Magical・Jewelryle!. This form gives Cure Magical two yellow orbs that can turn into anything for offense, defense or as platforms to move around in mid air. She can perform Topaz Esperanza in this form.
Alexandrite Style[]

Alexandrite Style
Alexandrite Style (アレキサンドライトスタイル )? is the form that Liko obtains in episode 31, alongside Mirai and Kotoha. To transform, she must already be in her Dia Style, Ruby Style, Sapphire Style or Topaz Style and she must be with Mirai and Kotoha. She should have Mofurun, her Linkle Stone Alexandrite and the Rainbow Carriage to perform Extreme Rainbow in this form.
Pink Dia Style[]

Pink Dia Style
Pink Dia Style (ピンクダイヤスタイル )? is the upgraded form of the original Dia Style, that Magical gains in MIRAI DAYS, alongside Miracle. To transform, Liko must be with Mirai, and have Mofurun, her Linkle Stone Pink Dia and say the phrase Miracle・Magical・Jewelryle!. This form is much stronger than her other forms.
- Miracle・Magical・Jewelryle!: Liko and Mirai grab each other's hands, which triggers their clothes to become long robes of their respective theme color. As they throw their free hand in the air, they shout out "Cure Up・RaPaPa!" and their chosen Linkle Stones fly out to Mofurun. As the stones become one and insert onto Mofurun's bow, the girls yell out each name of the chosen Linkle Stone. They then each grab one of Mofurun's paws to form a ring and as they begin to spin around, they say "Miracle・Magical・Jewelryle" which causes Mofurun's heart on her stomach to surround the girls with light to make the girl's hair becomes longer and lighter in color.
For Dia Style, both girls are surrounded by bright light. Part of Liko's dress appears followed by the appearance of her cape and boots. Next, the girls' witch hats appear on their head, making their ponytails and big red bows appear on their heads. Still holding hands, the girl's gloves appear as well as their chest and back bows.
For Ruby Style, both girls are surrounded by red flames. Liko and Mirai's robes and hair turn red as a giant red ribbon appears above them. The ribbon splits and wraps around them as a giant heart now appears above them, which then explodes into red heart-shaped flower petals. Liko's dress appears along with two red and dark pink ribbons with stars on them that appear on each side of the skirt. Both Magical and Miracle's hair are in twin tails in this style.
For Sapphire Style, both Liko and Mirai are surrounded by ripples. Magical's jewel appearing on her bow, which is then followed by her and Miracle's gold bracelets appearing on their wrists. Magical's hair is styled into a split-end ponytail in this style.
For Topaz Style, both girls are surrounded by pillars of yellow light, and then a heart-shaped ring. Magical's outfit appears in reverse order of Miracle's. Another heart-shaped circle appears and causes their hair to change and their jewels to appear. The two hold hands again and their gold bracelets appear. Magical's witch hat and pudding hat appear afterwards, and she rides on candies with Miracle and Mofurun to shoot out from the sky.
For Pink Dia Style, much of the transformation is similar to Dia Style's. However, after their clothes appear, Miracle and Magical have a close face-to-face contact, and they also blush at each other after their ribbons are formed. They also no longer need to age up their appearances due to having obtained this form as adults.
After fully transformed, the girls join hands again as their shoes and hats appear before their hair changes, float up through a pentagram and fly down to say their introduction phrases. As they say "Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure!", they hold hands and strike their final pose.
- Diamond Eternal (ダイヤモンド・エターナル )?: The first attack that the Cure Magical performs with Cure Miracle. She first performs it in episode 2 and must have her Linkle Stone Dia and Linkle Stick to perform this attack.
- Ruby Passionale (ルビー・パッショナーレ )?: The second attack that the Cure Magical performs with Cure Miracle. She first performs it in episode 3 and must have her Linkle Stone Ruby and Linkle Stick to perform this attack.
- Sapphire Smartish (サファイア・スマーティッシュ )?: The third attack that Cure Magical performs with Cure Miracle. She first performs it in episode 7 and must have her Linkle Stone Sapphire and Linkle Stick to perform this attack.
- Topaz Esperanza (トパーズ・エスペランサ Topāzu Esuperansa)?: The fourth attack that Cure Magical performs with Cure Miracle. She first performs it in episode 11 and must have her Linkle Stone Topaz and Linkle Stick to perform this attack.
- Linkle Aquamarine (リンクルアクアマリン )?: The first solo sub attack that Cure Magical performs for the first time in episode 6. To use it, she must have her Linkle Stick and the Linkle Stone Aquamarine. She summons her Linkle Stick and places the Linkle Stone Aquamarine on the stick and summons a cold breeze that freezes the Yokubaru.
- Linkle Peridot (リンクルペリドット )?: The second solo sub attack that Cure Magical performs for the first time in episode 14. To use it, she must have her Linkle Stick and the Linkle Stone Peridot. She summons her Linkle Stick and places the Linkle Stone Peridot on the stick and summons a storm of clover leaves that can stick to the Yokubaru.
- Linkle Moonstone (リンクルムーンストーン )?: The third solo sub attack that Cure Magical performs for the first time in episode 21. To use it, she must have her Linkle Stick and the Linkle Stone Moonstone. She summons her Linkle Stick and places the Linkle Stone Moonstone on the stick and summons a shield shaped like a full moon. She also uses it as a platform to jump from.
- Linkle Tanzanite (リンクルタンザナイト )?: The fourth solo sub attack that Cure Magical performs for the first time in episode 40. To use it, she must have her Linkle Stick and the Linkle Stone Tanzanite. She summons her Linkle Stick and places the Linkle Stone Tanzanite on the stick and summons a shining light that can not only blind the target but also dispel any darkness or dimensions in the area.
- Extreme Rainbow (エクストリームレインボー )? is the first group attack that Cure Magical performs with Cure Miracle and Cure Felice. To perform it, she must be in her Over The Rainbow Style and have the Linkle Stone Alexandrite to insert onto the Mofurun's bow.
- Heartful Rainbow (ハートフルレインボー )? is the group attack Cure Magical performs with the others for the first and only time in the movie.
Liko's voice actress, Horie Yui, has participated in several image songs for the character she voices. Many of them include group songs with Takahashi Rie, who voices Asahina Mirai, Hayami Saori, who voices Hanami Kotoha, and Saitou Ayaka, who voices Mofurun. She also performs a song with Niizuma Seiko, the voice actress of Solcière from the Pretty Cure All Stars franchise.
- CURE UP↑RA♡PA☆PA! ~Magic That Turns Into Smiles~ (Along with Takahashi Rie)
- Exhausted Warriors (Along with Takahashi Rie)
- Let's Consider (Along with Takahashi Rie and Niizuma Seiko)
- Sparkling☆100 Carats of Miracles (Along with Takahashi Rie)
- Magic À La・Thanks! (Along with Takahashi Rie and Hayami Saori)
- Sparkling Vows (Along with Takahashi Rie, Hayami Saori and Saitou Ayaka)
- DREAM☆ARCH (Along with Takahashi Rie and Hayami Saori)
- Sparkling Twin Stars (Along with Takahashi Rie)
- Magic À La・Thanks! (Rainbow Parade MIX) (Along with Takahashi Rie and Hayami Saori)
- A Gift From Our Hands (Along with Takahashi Rie and Hayami Saori)
- Kisekira Link (Along with Takahashi Rie and Hayami Saori)
- Liko's birthday is on November 12, making her zodiac a Scorpio.
- In the storyboard for episode 49, it was revealed that Liko and Mirai are 19 years old in said episode.
- Interestingly, Cure Magical's theme color is purple while her eyes are pink, which is Cure Miracle's theme color and vise versa.
- Liko shares her voice actor with Orihara Tsumugi from Happiness Charge Pretty Cure!: Ningyou no Kuni no Ballerina.
- Liko shares her given name with Furuya Riko from Go! Princess Pretty Cure, although their names' initials are spelt differently.
- Liko, along with Mirai, are part of a group of characters who comprised Japan's "ambassadors of Japanese culture" for the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics, alongside many other popular anime characters.
- Liko's most famous running gag is when she accidentally falls onto the ground from above and denies it ever happening.
- Liko is the only Cure who doesn't wear her casual outfit in Pretty Cure All Stars: Minna de Utau♪ Kiseki no Mahou!.
- In the manga, Liko and her team come across a fairy Pea-chan, who fools them by pretending to be a baby and tears them apart with some bewitching fruits, which makes Liko cold and uncaring to the point of abandoning Mirai. Mirai's desperate efforts to cure her team with the rainbow clover in her mouth, which includes Liko, have created the well-known kiss scene between her and Mirai, especially with how the manga has been hinting the romantic note in their relationship.
- As predicted by Magic Crystal, Liko will possibly become Kouchou's potential successor as the new headmaster of the Magic School in the future. MTPC50
- During the production of Mahou Tsukai, Liko was originally going to have a rival named Shiina Ryuuichi, who was scrapped and ended up being a background character instead.
- Liko is not very skilled at using smartphones.MTPCMD03
- Main Page: Izayoi Liko/Image Gallery
V • EMahou Tsukai Pretty Cure! characters | ||
Cures | Asahina Mirai/Cure Miracle • Liko/Izayoi Liko/Cure Magical • Ha-chan/Hanami Kotoha/Cure Felice | |
Mascots | Mofurun • Chikurun | |
Dark Magicians | Dokurokushe • Yamoh • Batty • Sparda • Gamettsu • Yokubaru | |
Never Ending Chaos | Deusmast • Never Ending Chaos (Labut • Shakince • Benigyo • Orba) • Donyokubaru | |
Others | Kouchou • Magic Crystal • Kyoto • Isaac-sensei • Liz • Lian • Lilia • Loretta-sensei • François • Gustav • Todd • Hook • Jun • Kay • Emily • Dorothy, Nancy and Cissy • Fairy Queen • Legend Queen • Mother RaPaPa • Yuki Kanoko • Asahina Kyoko • Asahina Daikichi • Katsuki Kana • Nagase Mayumi • Ono Souta • Namiki Yuuto • Takagi-sensei • Other Minor Characters | |
Movie only | Cure Mofurun • Kumata/Dark Matter | |
Manga only | Jade • Sorceress • Pea-chan | |
~MIRAI DAYS~ only | Hisui • Ire • Noguchi Sara • Tanizaki Rena |