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Kagayama Miu (加賀山 美羽)? is Nao and Hikari's best friend and a student of Verone Academy.

She was originally Nao's best friend and imitated Honoka, her idol, just as Nao did with Nagisa. They befriended Hikari after inviting her to hang out with them.



Miu is a youthful looking girl with light brown eyes and dark purple hair worn in short pigtails held by sky blue or pink baubles depending on the outfit. She normally wears the Verone Academy uniform, and for casual wear she wore a pale yellow blouse on a pale pink outfit.


A sweet and nice girl who enjoys spending time with her friends, and she is inseperable from Nao. She is smart and reserved with a gentle disposition. She really likes Hikari and is a big fan of Honoka, wanting to be exactly like her; although she agrees with Nao that Nagisa is very cool too.




  • Nao and Miu are a pair that are similar to the kind of pair Nagisa and Honoka are.
    • Similarly to Nagisa and Honoka, the two girls become very close friends with Hikari.
    • The way Nao and Miu imitate Nagisa and Honoka perfectly shows that they know their idols very well.
  • Miu has the same voice actress as Eternalun, and Kurumi Erika from Heartcatch Pretty Cure!. Interestingly, also Nao's voice actress voiced a Heartiel and a main character from Heartcatch Pretty Cure!.

