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Kanemoto Hiroko (金本 ひろこ Kanemoto Hiroko)? is a supporting character who appears in Smile Pretty Cure!. She is a student in Nanairogaoka Middle's School's Class 2-2.



She has brown hair and wears a beige cardigan.



Nanairogaoka Class 2-2: She is friends with Onoushiro Kiyomi and Okada Mayu.


Throughout the season, she appears as a background character along with the rest of her class. This is how she first appears in episode 1, on Hoshizora Miyuki's first day in class.

In episode 7, she is with Onoushiro Kiyomi when they spot the girls using the Phone Decor. The girls convince them that they spot a UFO. She isn't wearing her usual cardigan in this episode, but both girls appear in the episode's credits.

In episode 20, she and Fujikawa Ami are startled by invisible Miyuki and Akane.

In episode 34, she is part of a group with Onoushiro Kiyomi and Okada Mayu in the fashion show.


  • Her voice actor, Gouda Era, also voices a female customer in episode 25, Fairy #1 in episode 31, and Hitomi in episode 44.
  • She shares the same surname as Kise Yayoi's voice actress, Kanemoto Hisako.

