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Kay (ケイ Kei)? is a minor character in Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure!. She is one of the students who attends the Magic School.



Kay has shoulder-length orange wavy hair with her bangs evenly parted and held by two pearls on each side of her face. She wears her school uniform with knee-length black frilly socks and magenta shoes with gold buttons.

For the Grand Magic Festival in the movie, she wears a green dress with long sleeves and a white collar that has buttons at the front. Around the waist is a pink ribbon, and she wears a frilly light blue petticoat. She also wears brown boots with white stockings and a white hat with a stylized top.


Kay is a friendly and playful girl, but she often forgets things or is unable to find them. She comes to class late and is left behind due to her easygoing personality. She takes many notes in order to memorize better. Her dream is to become a journalist.



Since her name is written in katakana, its meaning is unknown. Although there are several meanings for her name in kanji such as:

(圭) which translates to "square jewel", (恵) "blessing", (慧) "wise" or (敬) "respect".


Kay meets Asahina Mirai for the first time. She runs into class late saying she had forgotten her hat and had to go back and get it. After this, Isaac-sensei turns a stamped paper into a butterfly and orders the students to catch it as their first lesson. She wants to look for the butterflies on her broom but misplaced it. Then one of the butterflies fly into her hat, making her pass the test.MTPC04

The group has to pass another test, boiling a kettle with magic, in a world full of ice and snow. The group passes due to Mirai introducing the Oshikura Manjū game to keep warm.MTPC05

The students have to learn how to conjure a shape out of water, and Kay manages to pass her test along with the other students.MTPC06

Kay goes with the other students to the mermaid village, but they are surprised by Gamettsu's attack.MTPC07

Kay tells the other students a scary story about a carnivorous flower luring in animals with pheromones, showing off her story-telling skills.MTPC08

Mirai helped Kay by making a poster to remind her of what to bring for classes.MTPC09

The magic school students visit Mirai and Liko in No Magic World. They are shown around town and visit a shopping mall for the first time, and take Purikura photos together.MTPC16

She accompanies Liko and Jun to the library to find out more about the firework flowers. In the end, all six girls start the fireworks and watch them together.MTPC28

She plays a role in the "Cinderella" story, appearing for the party, along with Jun and Emily.MTPC29

Jun, Kay and Emily asked Mirai, Liko, Kotoha and Mofurun to help them with their school projects. Kay starts to interview Mofurun, making a little book of her report. She reveals her dream to be a journalist.MTPC30

Kay takes part in the Halloween pumpkin bird-catching competition. Emily, flying at remarkable speed, confuses the pumpkin by zipping around it and spinning, making it dizzy. Seizing the opportunity, Kay attempts to grab the pumpkin, but as soon as she clings to one of its teeth, the pumpkin snaps back, transforming her broom into a cookie stick and her into a roll cake.MTPC38

She joins the No Magic World Halloween festival in the No Magic World, although she along with Jun and Emily ends up being scolded by Kyoto for misusing magic.MTPC39

The former supplementary students have a slumber party in their dorm, and Kay makes an impression of Kyoto.MTPC41

Kay is among the people supporting the Cures during their final battle against Deusmast.MTPC49 In the future shown, Kay and Emily attend a fashion show in the Magic World, and Kay takes notes to write an article about the show later.MTPC50


Kay's voice actress, Yoshioka Maya, has participated in one image song for the character she voices.


  • At some point, between when the Cures left the festival to catch the Pumpkin Bird and when they returned in episode 38, someone took a bite out of her cake body.

