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Pretty Cure Wiki
HSPC16 Kira Kira Energy enters the Mirror Pad

Kira Kira Energy (キラキラエネルギー)? is a source of light energy that exists in the setting of Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure.

Characteristics and Powers[]

Kira Kira Energy is a type of bright light in the form of glittering particles. Although generally untouchable, it can be collected through the Mirror Pad.

Kira Kira Energy can be gathered through purifying Ranborgs with the Cures' attacks. It can also be imbued onto weapons to help the Azure Guards purify Ranborgs. The collected Kira Kira Energy is shown to be pink. Kira Kira Energy can also undo damage when a battle is over.

By collecting it to a certain amount, it can be used as a potion to heal those who have been afflicted by Undergu Energy.

Kira Kira Energy can also be applied to create barriers with the use of Sky Jewels within a certain perimeter to protect people from outside threats.


  • Kira Kira (キラキラ)? is the onomatopoeia of "shining" or glittering".[1]


