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Kubota Shiho (久保田志穂 Kubota Shiho)? (Shauna Knowles in the English Dub) is a minor character from Futari wa Pretty Cure. She's Nagisa's and Honoka's classmate, and a member of the lacrosse team, along with her best friends Nagisa and Rina. She wants to become a movie director.



Shiho is shorter than her friends with a rounded face. She has reddish-brown eyes and short hair that frames her face.

Normally, she is shown in the Verone Academy uniform.


Very energetic and easily excited, Shiho is a lot like Rina and Nagisa, showing that while she is sporty she is also very girly. She loves chatting about rumors, relationships, and going shopping.


Shiho first appears as Nagisa's and Rina's best friend. As time passes by, she becomes friends with Honoka, goes more after her dream of a movie director, and even becomes friends with Hikari and some other girls from Hikari's class. She appears in various All Stars movies as a supporting character or as a cameo.


Kubota (久保田)?-Kubota translates to "sunken rice paddy".

Shiho (志穂)?-Shiho's name means "will" or "sail".


Shiho's voice actress, Sendai Eri, has sung one song for the character she voices. She sung this song alongside Tokumitsu Yuka, Takashimizu Rina's voice actress.


  • She shares her voice actress with Mimino Kurumi, a mascot, and one of the six Cures from Yes! Pretty Cure 5 and its sequel.
  • A running gag in the series is that Shiho tends to repeat words or phrases three times when she speaks.

