Liz (リズ )? is a minor character in Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure!, who is Izayoi Liko's older sister, and a teacher at the Magic School.
Liz is a tall and fair skinned girl with purple eyes and slightly curled, chest-length indigo hair worn loose. She normally wears an off-white long sleeved blouse with a dark green shawl lined in gold, held by a maroon ribbon. She also wears a dark green bodice and a pale turquoise skirt trim with ruffles, with a pastel teal split peplum over it and dark turquoise boots with black tights.
Highly intelligent, Liz is brilliant at using magic. She is also friendly, always willing to make new friends. She is also very kind and understanding of her sister.
Izayoi Liko: Her younger sister. When they were young, Liz was Liko's role model, but after Liz became a student in Magic School their relationship became strained due to being separated, and things became even worse when Liko became a student and found out that in spite of imitating her sister, she didn't have the same talent when it came to practical magic. However, Liko still loves her sister and is determined to one day surpass her. They later repair their relationship after understanding each other's perspectives better.
Her name matches the "Li" ("Ri") pronunciation pattern of her family's naming scheme.
Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure![]
When Liz was younger, she gave her younger sister the Linkle Stone Dia pendant, after witnessing Liko's Magic Wand being blessed by a shooting star. Although originally being Liko's role model, Liz and Liko's relationship drifted apart after Liz went to the Magic School and became a better magician.MTPC06
When Liz is teaching the class as a substitute teacher, she watches Liko storm off after getting angry at her for being the better, more ambitious magician. She is then knocked unconscious by Sparda's Yokubaru. She forgives her sister afterwards, and is happy that Liko has potential to be a great magician.MTPC06
Liz along with her parents visits the No Magic World to celebrate Liko's birthday. After the party, Liz agrees with her parents about how much Liko has grown.MTPC40
During a magic cooking lesson, Liz is the teacher who teaches the girls and their classmates how to make honey puddings.MTPC42
When Liko is temporarily turned back into a middle schooler six years later, Liz is surprised before teasing Liko, which embarrasses Liko.MTPC50
Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure!! ~MIRAI DAYS~[]
When Liz asks Liko why she isn't visiting Mirai often, Liko tells her that she has to focus on her teaching career. Liz then notices that Liko has noticed something, but is convinced by her sister's excuse and doesn't push things further.MTPCMD01 Liz and Liko later patrol the dorms to ensure security, but Liz gets confused when Liko seems to have spaced out and then runs off.MTPCMD02
- Liz shares her voice actor with Mori Kyoko, a minor character from Futari wa Pretty Cure and its sequel, and Uchifuji Yuka from HUGtto! Pretty Cure.