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Pretty Cure Wiki

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Nishimine Ayaka (西峰 あやか Nishimine Ayaka)? is a minor character who appears in Go! Princess Pretty Cure. She is the student council secretary of Noble Academy, and is a good friend of Azuma Seira.



Ayaka has light skin and big golden-brown eyes. Her fluffy blonde hair is shouler length with a section pulled to the back on each side of her head. She has flufy evenly spread bangs and forelocks covering her ears.  Normally she is found wearing her uniform.



In episode 3, Ayaka initially refuses to support the new rule that would allow Pafu to stay in the girl’s dormitory because of the large amount of responsibility it would require to look after her. However, after Haruka offers her a frisbee and allows Ayaka to play with Pafu, she changes her vote.

