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Pretty Cure Wiki

Notes (音符)? are the main musical elements that exist in the setting of Suite Pretty Cure♪.

Characteristics and Powers[]

Notes come in a variety of colors and shapes, including some that are not strictly notes (rests, sharps, flats, etc.). Each of them also has two eyes, which are painted to represent a slight expression.

Notes are born from the results of the battle between Major Land and Minor Land for the Legendary Score, as all of the notes in the sheet music fell out, and were scattered throughout the human world. The Pretty Cure and Minor Land therefore compete for these notes for their respective goals of either completing the Score of Happiness or the Score of Sorrows.

The Notes are ubiquitous in Kanon Town, because of their tendency to be attracted to the town's pipe organ. They are also attached to various objects in the human world, but they are not visible to normal humans. Only inhabitants of Major Land and Minor Land can see and touch the Notes. Hummy and Siren can also smell the Notes if they are nearby.

Notes can be turned into Negatones by the Minor Land villains, and only the Cures can restore them to normal. They are also the main power behind the Cures' attacks.

