Cure Lovely's PreChanMirror
The PreChanMirror (プリチェンミラー )? is the transformation item used by the Cures of Happiness Charge Pretty Cure! To transform, The Cures need to place their respective PreCards into the tray, from which they will be projected from the inside of the mirror. Each of them are created by the Crystals of Love.
The PreChanMirror is a pale pink box with a large heart-shaped mirror on the front. The mirror is covered by a clear heart-shaped lid adorned by blue, orange, green, red, purple and yellow gems. Engraved in the center of the lid are the words Pretty Change Mirror and the team's emblem etched below it. When the mirror is opened, below it is a mirrorball-shaped button used to activate the transformation when it is spun. Next to it are two pale pink buttons.
On the inside is a clear tray which sticks out from the top by a diamond-shaped tip, This tray is used to place PreCards, where the mirror will project the cards from the inside when the mirror ball is spun.
The PreChanMirror is used for the Cures to insert their PreCards to transform into their respective Cure forms and form changes, along with other useful outfits. It can also reflect attacks back to the attacker. The transformation is activated through the phrase Pretty Cure Kururin Mirror Change!.
- As long as somebody has PreCards to transform with, they can use the PreChanMirror, as Iona's PreChanMirror actually belonged to her sister Hikawa Maria.