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Pretty Cure Vocal Best BOX 2018-2023 (プリキュアボーカルベストBOX 2018-2023 )? is a box containing multiple character and image songs from the seasons, HUGtto!, Star☆Twinkle, Healin' Good, Tropical-Rouge!, and Delicious Party. It has 6 discs and was released on November 29th, 2023.
Track List[]
Disc 1[]
The 1st disc contains 15 songs from HUGtto! Pretty Cure.
Track # | Title | Length |
01 | We can!! HUGtto! Pretty Cure (Long・Intro・Version) (We can!! HUGっと!プリキュア(ロング・イントロ・バージョン) )? |
02 | Hooray Hooray! I'm・A・Cheerleader!! (フレフレ!アイム・ア・チアリーダー!! )? |
03 | Wings of an Image (イマージュの翼 )? |
04 | Once Again, To The Sky Ahead (もう一度、あの空の先へ )? |
05 | Friends With You (キミとともだち )? |
06 | Big Love∞Infinite POWER (大好き∞無限POWER )? |
07 | HUGtto! Future✩Dreamer (HUGっと!未来☆ドリーマー )? |
08 | A Miracle Called Friendship (トモダチという奇跡 )? |
09 | The Magic Of Holding One Tight (ハグはぎゅマジック )? |
10 | Shocking Impression☆Here's Harry! (おどろきカンゲキ☆ドンとハリー! )? |
11 | LOVE & LOVE (LOVE & LOVE )? |
12 | It'll Always Be Here (ZUTTO 在る ココに )? |
13 | Friends With You (One For All, All For One Ver.) (キミとともだち(One For All, All For One Ver.) )? |
15 | HUGtto! Future✩Dreamer (5 PRECURE Ver.) (HUGっと!未来☆ドリーマー(5 PRECURE Ver.) )? |
16 | Embrace the sparkling future -without Chorus version- (輝く未来を抱きしめて -without Chorus version- )? |
17 | Vegetable girl -Instrumental- (野菜少女 -Instrumental- )? |
18 | Mysterious gentleman (なぞの紳士 )? |
19 | Shouldn't it be like this... -without Clap version- (こんなはずじゃ… -without Clap version- )? |
20 | Advance! To our goal -Rhythm Only version- (進め!私たちのゴールへ -Rhythm Only version- )? |
21 | Nice to meet you, Hugtan -Another version- (よろしくね、はぐたん -Another version- )? |
22 | Nice to meet you, Hugtan (よろしくね、はぐたん )? |
23 | The future is infinite -Rhythmless version- (未来は無限大 -Rhythmless version- )? |
Disc 2[]
The 2nd disc contains 14 songs from Star☆Twinkle Pretty Cure.
Track # | Title | Length |
01 | Sparkle☆彡Star☆Twinkle Pretty Cure (キラリ☆彡スター☆トゥインクルプリキュア )? |
02 | Imagination☆Halation☆彡 (イマジネーション☆ハレーション☆彡 )? |
03 | Exciting☆La・La・Lun TOUR (ドキドキ☆La・La・Lun TOUR )? |
04 | Your Sonrisa (キミのソンリッサ )? |
05 | Moonlight Signal (Moonlight Signal )? |
06 | Prism Rainbow Heart (Prism Rainbow Heart )? |
07 | PaPePiPu☆Romantic (パぺピプ☆ロマンチック )? |
08 | Cosmic☆Mystery☆Girl (コズミック☆ミステリー☆ガール )? |
09 | TO BE LOVE ~Door~ (TO BE LOVE~扉~ )? |
10 | Five Colors (Five Colors )? |
11 | Starry Story (Starry Story )? |
12 | Star Color Pendant! Color Charge! (Special・Version) (スターカラーペンダント!カラーチャージ!(スペシャル・ヴァージョン) )? |
13 | Star Color Pendant! Color Charge! (Quintet・Version) (スターカラーペンダント!カラーチャージ!(クインテット・ヴァージョン) )? |
14 | Please Tell Me...! Twinkle☆ (教えて...!トゥインクル☆ )? |
15 | Sparkle☆彡Star☆Twinkle Pretty Cure (5 PRECURE Ver.) (キラリ☆彡スター☆トゥインクルプリキュア(5 PRECURE Ver.) )? |
16 | No such thing as abnormalities in space (Rhythm Only version) (宇宙航路異状なし(リズム入りヴァージョン) )? |
17 | The faraway universe (Synthesizer・version) (はるかなる大宇宙(シンセ・ヴァージョン) )? |
18 | The universe's phantom thief, Blue Cat appears (Rhythmless・version) (宇宙怪盗ブルーキャット現る(リズムレス・ヴァージョン) )? |
19 | Star Palace (Synthesizer・version) (スターパレス(シンセ・ヴァージョン) )? |
20 | A mysterious power ~fuwa (Strings・version) (不思議な力だフワ(ストリングス・ヴァージョン) )? |
21 | The Starry Sky Association's mission (Strings & Horns・version) (星空連合の使命(ストリングス&ホルン・ヴァージョン) )? |
22 | Star Color Pendant! Color Charge! (Instrumental・Different Version) (スターカラーペンダント!カラーチャージ!(インストゥルメンタル・別MIX) )? |
Disc 3[]
The 3rd disc contains 15 songs from Healin' Good♥Pretty Cure.
Track # | Title | Length |
01 | Healin' Good♥Pretty Cure Touch!! (ヒーリングっど♥プリキュア Touch!! )? |
02 | I'm Blooming (ワタシBlooming )? |
03 | Hot Springs (ホッとスプリング )? |
04 | Cute Be Ambitious!! (カワイイ Be Ambitious!! )? |
05 | The Wind's Sympathy (風のシンパシー )? |
07 | Miracle tto♥Link Ring! (ミラクルっと♥Link Ring! )? |
08 | Who Are The Sunny Side Up Twins? (ふたごの目玉焼き、だ~れだ )? |
09 | Where We Want To Go (かえりたい場所 )? |
10 | Let's Hold Hands Tightly! (Let's手と手でキュン! )? |
11 | Please Share! Pretty Cure (シェアして!プリキュア )? |
12 | We are Alive!! (We are Alive!! )? |
13 | Ready Steady→Pretty Cure!! (Ready Steady →プリキュア!! )? |
14 | Everybody☆Healin' Good Day! (エビバディ☆ヒーリングッデイ! )? |
15 | Healin' Good♥Pretty Cure Touch!! ~Precure Quartet Ver.~ (ヒーリングっど♥プリキュア Touch!! ~Precure Quartet Ver.~ )? |
16 | Shining life ~without Chorus version~ (輝くいのち ~without Chorus version~ )? |
17 | I want to be close to the blue sky ~Strings & Piano version~ (青空に近づきたい ~Strings&Piano version~ )? |
18 | Two trumpets, two trumpets (ふたりのトランペット ふたりのトランペット )? |
19 | Burn, beach volleyball! (燃えよ、ビーバレ! )? |
20 | When I'm with you ~Strings version~ (キミと一緒なら ~Strings version~ )? |
21 | Thoughts at dusk ~Guitar version~ (夕暮れのもの思い ~Guitar version~ )? |
22 | To a peaceful future ~Strings version~ (すこやかな未来へ ~Strings version~ )? |
23 | Being alive is wonderful ~Light version~ (生きるってすばらしい ~Light version~ )? |
Disc 4[]
The 4th disc contains 15 songs from Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure.
Track # | Title | Length |
01 | Viva! Spark! Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure with Tropical Club (Viva! Spark!トロピカル~ジュ!プリキュア withトロピカる部 )? |
03 | Charming*∞*Happiness (チャーミング*∞*ハピネス )? |
04 | My Story (My Story )? |
06 | Aqua Prism (アクアプリズム )? |
07 | Tropica I・N・G (トロピカ I・N・G )? |
08 | Song of Friendship (なかよしのうた )? |
09 | Pretty Rouge Days! (プリティル~ジュデイズ! )? |
10 | CLAP! ~Let Your Courage Echo~ (CLAP! ~勇気を鳴らせ~ )? |
11 | Let's Tropical To Our Heart's Content! (おもいきりトロピカル! )? |
12 | I'll Keep Smiling (えがおのままで )? |
13 | Song of Friendship ~Let's Sing Together♪ I Love My Friends~ (なかよしのうた ~いっしょにうたおう♪だいすきなともだち~ )? |
14 | Aiming To Go My Way!!] (あこがれ Go My Way!! )? |
15 | Viva! Spark! Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure Tropical Club Ver. (Viva! Spark!トロピカル~ジュ!プリキュア トロピカる部Ver. )? |
16 | Pretty Cure! Tropical Change! ~Short version~ (プリキュア!トロピカルチェンジ! ~Short version~ )? |
17 | Tropica-shine with everyone! ~Strings & Woodwind version~ (みんなでトロピカっちゃおー! ~Strings&Woodwind version~ )? |
18 | Fully motivated! Now is the time to proceed! ~Rhythm Only version~ (やる気全開!今こそ進め! ~Rhythm Only version~ )? |
19 | A sight beneath the waves ~Tropical Island version~ (海のある情景 ~Tropical Island version~ )? |
20 | Tropica-shining thoughts will last forever ~Strings version~ (トロピカる想いはいつまでも ~Strings version~ )? |
21 | Pretty Cure! Super Tropical Paradise! (プリキュア!スーパートロピカルパラダイス! )? |
22 | All together now! Tropical Club! ~Light version~ (あつまれ!トロピカる部! ~Light version~ )? |
Disc 5[]
The 5th disc contains 15 songs from Delicious Party♡Pretty Cure.
Track # | Title | Length |
01 | Cheers! Delicious Party♡Pretty Cure (Cheers!デリシャスパーティ♡プリキュア )? |
02 | Smile Menu◎ (スマイルメニュー◎ )? |
03 | Tea party With You (あなたとTea party )? |
04 | Delicious Search! (デリシャスサ~チ! )? |
05 | My true self (My true self )? |
06 | Welcome to Delicious Party (Welcome to Delicious Party )? |
08 | Save your smile (Save your smile )? |
09 | What I Can Do (俺に出来ること )? |
10 | I'm GLORIOUS As I Am (アリノママGLORIOUS )? |
12 | Delicious Ambitious! (Delicious Ambitious! )? |
13 | Bonds♡Specialty (キズナ♡スペシャリティ )? |
14 | Delicious Heart (ココロデリシャス )? |
15 | Cheers! Delicious Party♡Pretty Cure ~Precure Quartet Ver.~ (Cheers!デリシャスパーティ♡プリキュア ~Precure Quartet Ver.~ )? |
16 | A meal that makes you happy ~Strings & Piano version~ (しあわせおりょうり ~Strings&Piano version~ )? |
17 | Waltz of the fairies ~Strings & Woodwind version~ (妖精たちのワルツ ~Strings&Woodwind version~ )? |
18 | Waltz of the fairies ~Piano & Marimba version~ (妖精たちのワルツ ~Piano&Marimba version~ )? |
19 | Thanks for the delicious meal ~Piano version~ (ごちそうさま、ありがとう ~Piano version~ )? |
20 | We'll protect them together ~Rhythmless version~ (いっしょに守りたい ~Rhythmless version~ )? |
21 | A battle will occur ~without Brass version~ (戦いの予感 ~without Brass version~ )? |
22 | Shattered hope ~without Choir version~ (砕かれる希望 ~without Choir version~ )? |
23 | Food brings smiles♡ ~Strings & Piano version~ (ごはんは笑顔♡ ~Strings&Piano version~ )? |
Disc 6[]
The 6th disc contains 24 songs, three of which being the TV size versions of Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure theme songs, a 20th Anniversary edition of DANZEN! Futari wa Pretty Cure and Please Share! Pretty Cure, a new version of Sparkling and Cute! The Great Pretty Cure Gathering♪, and 18 solo versions of the short version of Please Share! Pretty Cure.
Track # | Title | Length |
01 | Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure ~Hero Girls~ (TV size) (ひろがるスカイ!プリキュア ~Hero Girls~(TVサイズ) )? |
02 | Hirogarism (TV size) (ヒロガリズム(TVサイズ) )? |
03 | Dear Shine Sky (TV size) (Dear Shine Sky(TVサイズ) )? |
04 | DANZEN! Futari wa Pretty Cure ~20th Anniversary~ Precure Singers Edition (DANZEN!ふたりはプリキュア ~20th Anniversary~ Precure Singers Edition )? |
05 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~20th Anniversary~ Precure Singers Edition (シェアして!プリキュア ~20th Anniversary~ Precure Singers Edition )? |
06 | Sparkling and Cute! The Great Pretty Cure Gathering♪ ~Sound of Joy~ (キラキラKawaiiプリキュア大集合♪ ~よろこびの音~ )? |
07 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Ikeda Aya Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 池田 彩 Ver. )? |
08 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Ishii Ami Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 石井あみ Ver. )? |
09 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Isobe Karin Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 礒部花凜 Ver. )? |
10 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Uchiyae Yuka Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ うちやえゆか Ver. )? |
11 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Kitagawa Rie Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 北川理恵 Ver. )? |
12 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Kudo Mayu Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 工藤真由 Ver. )? |
13 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Kurosawa Tomoyo Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 黒沢ともよ Ver. )? |
14 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Gojō Mayumi Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 五條真由美 Ver. )? |
15 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Komagata Yuri Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 駒形友梨 Ver. )? |
16 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Sasaki Rico Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 佐々木李子 Ver. )? |
17 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Hayashi Momoko Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 林ももこ Ver. )? |
18 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Nakaya Sayaka Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 仲谷明香 Ver. )? |
19 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Nochimoto Moeha Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 後本萌葉 Ver. )? |
20 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Machico Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ Machico Ver. )? |
21 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Miyamoto Kanako Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 宮本佳那子 Ver. )? |
22 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Moie Mizuki Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 茂家瑞季 Ver. )? |
23 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Yoshida Hitomi Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 吉田仁美 Ver. )? |
24 | Please Share! Pretty Cure ~One Chorus~ Yoshitake Chihaya Ver. (シェアして!プリキュア ~ワンコーラス~ 吉武千颯 Ver. )? |
External Links[]
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Pretty Cure Theme Songs TV size collection ~20th Anniversary Edition~ | Kibou no Chikara ~Otona Pretty Cure '23~ Ending Theme Song Single |