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Ruru Amour (ルールーアムール)? is one of the five main Cures in HUGtto! Pretty Cure. She is a second-year student at L'Avenir Academy and is in the same class as Hana, Saaya and Homare.

Ruru's alter ego is Cure Amour (キュアアムール)? and she is known as the Pretty Cure of Love & Dance. Her Pretty Cure partner is Cure Macherie. Her catchphrases are "Probability of ..., percent" (~の確率、~パーセント)? and "Unintelligible" (理解不能)?

In the altered future of episode 49, she has her memories reset and is reborn in the appearance of a little girl.



Ruru has violet eyes that slant downwards and lilac hair. Initially, she wore her hair up in braids with two conical buns and a black headband. However, when she disguised herself as a human girl, her hair was styled into low twin-tails held by scrunchies that matched her headband. Her buns were shifted towards the back of her head to resemble a bow. When she became a good character, she retained this hairstyle and her black accessories turned yellow.

During her time at Criasu Corporation, Ruru wore a shiny purple mini-dress with a black sleeveless coat over it. She also wore long black mitts, a grey and crimson cape, and black boots with silver protrusions on each side of the foot. Additionally, she wore purple garter straps. When she was reprogrammed, she wore a black vinyl bodysuit with metallic armor covering her torso and feet. She also had a gauntlet on her left arm that could become a laser cannon.

In her casual style, Ruru wore a dark grey frilly top beneath a white and purple off-shoulder shirt. This was paired with indigo shorts and a mauve belt, black stockings, and purple heels. She wore a black choker with a mauve diamond. When she becomes a good character, her top becomes pale purple with a red belt and white stockings.

As Cure Amour, her hair turns pale lavender and is worn loose with multiple curls on each side of her head beneath two bow-shaped buns. On the left side of her head, she has a purple bow with white ruffles at the bottom adorned by a gold diamond and light blue ruffles. Her eyes turn light purple and her eyelashes become curled. She wears pink lipstick and a light purple dress with white elbow-length sleeves with holes in the shoulders. In the front is a hot pink ribbon. She wears a dark purple sash with a magenta bow on the left with her PreHeart attached. In the back are purple, magenta, and pink ruffles. Her skirt has two purple layers with split sections and two white layers, with the second one slightly longer in the back. Her boots are purple with darker purple ribbons around them and reach over her knees with black and purple stockings underneath. Her accessories include white wrist-length gloves with bows on them and large white pom-pom earrings.

In her Cheerful Style, her hair grows even more voluminous and curlier, with her hairpiece changing into a translucent veil held with a rainbow gradient ribbon with a heart in the middle and tiny gems hanging from it. Her sleeves are now puffy with the end resembling the bottom of her normal Cure form. Her gloves now have purple ribbons around the wrist. The bow holding her PreHeart is now a ribbon with magenta and peach-colored ruffles at the end, and her shoes are now lilac heels with purple ribbons. The top of her dress is now lilac with a pink bow and a cravat. Beneath it is a purple layer resembling her skirt followed by a ruffled white layer. The skirt is now long with several sections that flare upward that end with purple diamonds along with an additional white layer.

In her Mother Heart Style, Ruru gains a pair of giant translucent butterfly-like wings.

In the altered future, Ruru resembles a young Emiru. Her hair is in short twin-tails worn with a yellow headband with purple ribbons. She wears a purple sailor dress with a red and white middle with diamonds and a white collar with a violet ribbon that has a gem similar to the one Ruru had on her choker in the previous timeline. She also wears purple shoes and white stockings.


Ruru was at first emotionless and followed instructions from Criasu faithfully. She then used her strong analyzing abilities to gather data on the Cures but began developing emotions and free will during her investigations. She is also extremely analytical and calculable thanks to her programming, resulting in precise advice and the ability to remain calm in almost any situation. She also feels guilt for her past actions and her self-awareness, but slowly accepts her flaws later on.


  • Papple: Her former boss. Papple appeared to not think much of her, often calling her a useless mechanical doll. However, Papple soon accepted the purification from Amour and Macherie, and is now on friendly terms with her.
  • Aisaki Emiru: Her closest friend. Ruru first encountered Emiru in episode 15 when the latter was going around the town as "Cure Emiru". The two soon develop a friendship when Ruru comes over the Emiru's house, learning about her secret passion for the guitar. When she plays it, Ruru starts to show emotions, which is strange to her. When Emiru's brother Masato enters the room and tells Emiru not to play the guitar because it wasn't ladylike, Ruru stands up for her and becomes angry by what he had said. At first, Ruru declined Emiru's offer on becoming a Cure because she thought androids don't have the privilege to become heroines, but after Emiru defended her against Papple, she eventually becomes a Cure with Emiru.HuPC20 The two are often seen together battling the Oshimaida, and performing on stage together. In the finale, Ruru fails to recognize the older Emiru, but slowly bonds with her again when Emiru plays the guitar.
  • Nono Hana: Another friend of hers, whom she lives with. She initially infiltrated into the Nono household by rewriting Hana's mother's memories and claiming to be a friend's daughter, but then they developed a friendship during her stay with Hana. Despite having her own memories with the Cures erased by Listol, she later regained them and rejoined Hana's side.
  • Doctor Traum: Her creator and non-biological father. While Ruru herself is aware of Traum's wish to bond with her, she was originally not keen to return the same favor. However, after Traum confessed his fatherly love for Ruru and admitted feeling happy for Ruru,HuPC40 they began to have a better relationship. However, Ruru doesn't like Traum's outward affections and is embarrassed by them.


Ruru: As revealed in episode 17, Ruru comes from Ruru's model number "RUR-9500".

Amour: Amour comes from the French word which means "love". This matches Emiru's surname, where the first kanji translates to "love", therefore referencing their alter egos, the Pretty Cure of Love.


Like her former colleagues, she could call forth a victim's Prickly Powerer with the words "Hope for tomorrow, begone! Negative Wave!" (明日への希望よ消えろ!ネガティブウェーブ! Asu e no kibō yo kiero! Negatibu Uēbu!)?. She can then turn this power into an Oshimaida with the words "I'm ordering you! Oshimaida!" (はっちゅう!オシマイダー! Hacchū! Oshimaidā!)?. She traveled inside a UFO-like ship whenever she went to attack the Cures or summon an Oshimaida. She also appeared to have the power to rewrite people's memories, making Hana's mother Sumire believe that she is an acquaintance's daughter to infiltrate her home before taking on a human form.

Ruru is also shown to be incredibly intelligent and adept at sports. She can also quickly skim through books and store the information within quickly as well. In addition, she has super speed and precision, allowing her to easily surpass the crowd at the supermarket and grab the eggs. However, because she is an android, she lacks emotions, which contributes to her having almost no social skills. She starts to develop some as she spies on the Cures and befriends a girl named Emiru, the latter whom she stands up for against Emiru's brother. She also learns how to sing and play the guitar thanks to Emiru’s help in teaching her about music.



Ruru Amour was originally an android created by the inventor Doctor Traum, who intended to ease his pain of losing his daughter with Ruru taking his daughter's place. Nonetheless, she unknowingly caused a ton of trouble such as damaging the inventor's data and tossing him onto the wall, because of her disobedience and frequent misinterpretations of human beings, especially Traum. She then got enlisted into Criasu Corporation under her first name as a part-timer but got distanced from Traum, who deleted all of her data and left her, later on.HuPC40

As A Criasu member[]

As Ruru, she first attacks the Cures, taking over for Papple while she is out on a date. She targets Ichijou Ranze, using her Prickly Powerer to possess a computer and create an Oshimaida. While up in her UFO, she analyzes the Cures while they battle it, feeding the data to the Oshimaida and allowing it to easily defeat them. However, Cure Ange receives a new Mirai Crystal, allowing her to grow stronger and throw it off before it is purified.HuPC07

HuPC13 Hana hugs Ruru

Ruru surprised to find Hana hugging her

Wanting to gather more information on the Cures, Ruru disguises as a civilian and infiltrates Hana's home, rewriting her mother's memories and making her believe that Ruru is a friend's daughter. Despite this, Hana almost immediately accepts her as a friend.HuPC12 Later, she transfers to Hana’s class under the name Ruru Amour in order to further investigate Hana and impresses everyone by being excelled in sports and studies thanks to her analytical brain. However, she is disinterested in the welcome party which the Nono family hold for her, as she sees no logical merits in it. Then, without the Cures knowing, she summons an Oshimaida but is puzzled by Hana’s concern towards her and taken aback by how Hana has wished to accept her as a member of the Nono family.HuPC13

Change Of Heart And Switching Sides[]

Then one day, Ruru joins Hana, Homare, and Saaya on a visit to a daycare to learn how to take care of babies in the infant room. She quickly skims through a textbook about babysitting, much to Saaya’s jealousy. Despite being the summoner of an Oshimaida, she abruptly decides to protect the babies instead.HuPC14 She later befriends Emiru when the latter is going around attempting and failing to do good deeds as "Cure Emiru". After Emiru later reveals to her that she is not an actual Pretty Cure, they visit her home. She demonstrates to Ruru her passion for playing the guitar, but it causes her brother Masato, who believed that playing the guitar wasn't ladylike, to come in and scold her. However, Ruru, having recognizing Emiru's passion, angrily tells him off, with her slowly starting to show emotions more in the process. Much to her chagrin though, Emiru starts to form a bond with her.HuPC15 Later on, Papple asks Ruru to steal one of the Cures' PreHearts and she ends up reluctantly taking Homare's. With just Yell and Ange, the Oshimaida that Papple has summoned easily overpowers them. Ruru then feels guilty for stealing the PreHeart, so she returns it back to Homare, allowing Homare to transform into Cure Étoile. After the battle, Ruru mysteriously pushes Yell away before she is hit by a powerful beam of light in the sky. As the smoke cleared, Ruru lumps to the ground, damaged and even showing a smile before she completely shuts down. She and Papple then take their leave, leaving the Cures stunned.HuPC16

Regaining Her Memories And Quitting Criasu[]

After being taken back to the company's headquarters, Ruru is placed inside a container and ends up having the majority of her memories aside from the Cures' data erased by Listol and Papple. When she encounters Hana, Homare, and Saaya again, Ruru, having been reprogrammed to identify the Cures as enemies, coldly rejects an overjoyed Hana and gets enhanced by a prototype Android-exclusive battle armor. Having no choice, the Cures have to fight against her. Thanks to her highly detailed battle program and analysis, she gains an advantage during the battle by predicting the trio's movements. But she gradually recalls the memories she had with the three Cures while collecting their data, which consequently makes her armor overload and malfunction, providing Étoile and Ange the opportunity to break her free.

After she admits that she has returned to normal, a strong pain is inflicted inside her chest because of the development of a human heart inside her, leading to her screaming. But she still decides to conceal the sensation by proceeding to retaliate the Cures, and one of her blasts nearly hits Hugtan and Harry until Ange and Étoile counter her attack. She then has hand-to-hand combat with Yell, who enters her self-created space, and she admits all of her purposes to visit the present, believing that she had deceived everyone, though Yell disagrees, which in turn caused her chest to ache. Ruru herself assumes that the growth of a heart and having memories have triggered a bug in her circuitry and wants to cease contacting with Yell, as she believes that the perfect world in her mind would fall apart and more pain would be inflicted, but Yell ends their battle by telling the love of herself to Ruru, causing the dimension to fade away and Ruru collapses onto the ground. After being kindly patted on the head by Hugtan, Ruru finally cries for the first time and as she calms down, she gains her free will and rebes against Papple, ordering her former boss to leave. She is then being reassured by the Cures that she might not be having a bug inside her and is forgiven as Hana embraced her with re-acceptance.HuPC17

Befriending Emiru[]

The following day, Ruru meets Emiru who has written a letter to the girls to meet them during lunch break. Just as Emiru, who pretends to be a super-heroine, tries to expose their secret identities as Pretty Cures in front of their peers, Ruru is quick enough to drag her out of the school, buying the girls time to escape.

Later, Ruru and the other girls triy to help Hana with an upcoming music test, but upon feeling discouraged that she is unable to sing the song with emotions, her system overheats, resulting in her shutting down. This is when Emiru learns about her being an android as the three other girls had informed. Emiru refuses to believe the truth at first after Ruru wakes up, until Ruru obliges on Emiru's request on opening up her chest to show her internal system, consequently horrifying Emiru. As Emiru calms down, she accepts Ruru for who she is and wants Ruru to be part of the team, though Ruru is reluctant and turns down Emiru by explaining that she is an android without a heart. To encourage Ruru, Saaya gave her a pep talk to make her feel better.

Later, when Papple has turned Yoshimi Rita into an Oshimaida, Ruru is being taunted by Papple for wanting to be a heroine, until Emiru defends her and considers her as a friend. The two also survive the attack thanks to Yell's powerful punch which knocks out the Oshimaida. Emiru soon composes the song Friends With You for Ruru, and they slowly form a bond through music.HuPC18

Becoming Cure Amour[]

Ruru and Emiru eventually decide to become Pretty Cures together, but unfortunately, there is only one PreHeart that remains and only a miracle can make them both a Cure. The following day, Ruru is encouraged by Saaya to not to give up easily when she doubts if she is Emiru's friend.

Ruru and Emiru are then given the chance to go to a concert after Masato gives some tickets to Emiru. However, an Oshimaida, summoned by Papple, suddenly appears to disrupt the concert. Papple mocks them for being friends by calling Ruru a traitor, and ordered the Oshimaida to attack them, until Yell arrives to protect them. Watching how Yell fought for both of them, Ruru and Emiru cheer Yell on when two new Mirai Crystals suddenly appear. They try to offer each other the chance to become a Cure, wanting to share each other's dream. Mother Heart grants their mutual wish upon sensing their strong love for each other, in which Ruru finally becomes Cure Amour while Emiru becomes Cure Macherie for the first time. With their powerful Heart Song & Dance!, they successfully defeat the Oshimaida.HuPC20

Becoming Better Friends With Emiru[]

Ruru notices that Emiru is losing confidence after she has failed to help out during a shopping trip, because Emiru feels like Ruru is doing things better than her. Ruru wants to talk with Emiru, but Emiru refuses and tells her to leave her alone. This frustrated Ruru who thought Emiru no longer liked her. They later fix their friendship after Emiru calms down, and together they defeat an Oshimaida that Papple summoned. Although Amour is upset Macherie has her guitar broken, Macherie is just glad to have Amour by her side.

Even though Emiru keeps telling Ruru that she is fine after her guitar becomes broken, Ruru cannot understand why Emiru had to lie, until being explained by her friends that Emiru didn't want to hurt her feelings. Ruru then decides to make Emiru a new guitar. Ruru and Emiru later argue, where she tells Emiru that she doesn't like being lied to, but eventually admits that she wants to continue being Emiru's friend, and gives Emiru the new guitar. They later reach out to Papple, telling her that she still has a heart, and purify her.HuPC22

Relationship With Traum[]

After Traum is purified by all of the Cures, including the ones from the other universes, he wants to meet Ruru again. However, Ruru acts coldly towards him, even blaming him for throwing her away. Hana and Hugtan later find her binge eating, and Ruru believes that another moment with him can cause her a system error. As Ruru continues to question her own emotions and heart, Hana explains to her that Traum does care about her through naming her. Traum later admits to Ruru that he has always felt conflicted ever since he created her and recalls how much of a child she used to be, and tells her the truth behind distancing himself from her. He then apologizes to her for not being able to honestly face her. They eventually reconcile with each other, even though Ruru finds him clingy.HuPC40

Leaving Emiru[]

Near the end of the season, Ruru begins to consider returning to the future. However, she later finds out that Emiru is not taking the news well and becomes distraught, regardless of how she and the others try to cheer Emiru up. Due to this unresolved issue, their Mirai Crystals disappear.

After shielding Emiru from the latter’s grandfather who has been turned into an Oshimaida by Bicine, Ruru finally admits to Emiru truthfully that she wants to change the future for the better with everything she has learned in the present, while understanding Emiru is not ready. With these honest confessions, their Mirai Crystals return and together they purify the Oshimaida.

After the fight, Ruru and Emiru hold a concert, and she cries about herself not prepared for her own departure from her friends.HuPC49


After leaving her friends with the former Criasu members, Hugtan and Harry, Ruru is reinvented by Doctor Traum 11 years later, now as a young android who grows with feelings. But because of this, her memory has been reset, and fails to recognise Emiru, who is now a young adult. When Emiru starts playing the guitar for her, she however begins to sing along, showing a rekindling of their previous bond.HuPC49

Cure Amour[]

Heart Kiratto Cure Macherie and Cure Amour pose

Cure Macherie and Cure Amour

"Loving everyone! The Pretty Cure of Love! Cure Amour!"
Min'na Daisuki! Ai no Purikyua! Kyua Amūru!

Cure Amour (キュアアムール)? is the Pretty Cure alter ego of Ruru. In order to transform, she needs the PreHeart and her Mirai Crystal. She only transforms together with Cure Macherie.


  • Heart Kiratto!: Ruru holds her PreHeart in its phone mode and inserts her Mirai Crystal onto the device while saying "Mirai Crystal!". She then flips the device into its heart mode as the screen flashes on with a white heart that emits her respective theme color. As she says "Heart Kiratto!", she waves her PreHeart gently around until the light turns into her respective theme color.

Covered in a glow of their respective theme color, Ruru and Emiru press each other's red heart on their PreHearts while saying "Hagyuu~" until red and purple streams of light fly out to create their dress, coat tail, and boots. They then press the red heart again while saying "Gyuu~" to change their hair length and color as well as adding their hair accessories. They press the red heart for the final time to make their gloves appear. They place their PreHearts in its carry bag on their waist and proceed to say their introduction phrase while hugging each other followed by spinning around to pose while saying their names.



Ruru's voice actor, Tamura Yukari, has participated in several image songs for the character she voices. Many of them include duets with Hikisaka Rie, who voices Nono Hana, Hon'izumi Rina, who voices Yakushiji Saaya, Ogura Yui, who voices Kagayaki Homare, and Tamura Nao, who voices Aisaki Emiru.



  • Ruru's birthday is on September 23rd, making her Zodiac sign Virgo.
  • Between all the Cures that need to transform as part of a pair, Emiru and Ruru are the only pair that do not:
  • In episode 17, it is revealed that Ruru's model number is RUR-9500, "R.U.R." being a reference to Karel Čapek's 1920 play that was the origin of the word 'robot'.
  • Emiru and Ruru's combined Cure names, if combined,can be translated into "My dear love" in French.
  • Ruru is the first Cure:
    • to be an android.
    • whose surname is also her Cure name.
    • whose civilian name does not follow Japanese format as it follows the Western naming format instead, with the given name first and the surname last.
      • She is also by far the only new student Cure to write her name in Roman alphabet instead of Japanese ideograms during her school introduction.
  • She is shown to have a cat theme as shown with how her pajamas have a hood to support her hair that resembles cat ears, the image in the room she was staying in at Hana's place and when she was in Saaya's virtual space as a black cat.
  • In Pretty Cure Miracle Universe, Ruru is revealed to have a cooling device inside her which can be activated in a hot environment, making her able to withstand extreme heat.
  • Her favorite food is bitter chocolate.


Main Page: Ruru Amour/Image Gallery

