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Shirabe Ako (調辺アコ)? is one of the four main Cures in Suite Pretty Cure♪. She is a third-year student at Municipal Kanon Elementary School, as well as the Princess of Major Land.

Ako's alter ego is Cure Muse (キュアミューズ)?. She was previously known as the Masked Pretty Cure (仮面のプリキュア)?, who wore a disguise before revealing her true identity.



Ako is a short girl with orange eyes who is often seen wearing magenta glasses. Her hair is styled in a short bob that frames her face, with a loose strand of hair on either side. Her usual outfit consists of a pink long-sleeved shirt worn under purple buttoned overalls, short magenta socks, and white sneakers with pale blue detailing. In the summer, she wears the same outfit, except that she swaps the long-sleeved shirt for a short-sleeved one. In the movie, Ako wears a light-indigo buttoned top over a pearl blue dress, paired with pink socks and white shoes with periwinkle accents.

When in her Masked form, Ako appears much older due to wearing platform boots. Her eyes turn magenta, and her head is concealed by a large purple and black mask with a heart gem that matches her full-body outfit and cape.

As Cure Muse, Ako's eyes turn magenta (as they did in her Masked form), while her hair becomes bright orange and grows much longer, splitting into two segments. She gains a white forehead piece adorned with a hot pink heart gem, a gold choker, heart-shaped earrings, and two yellow ribbons on either side of her head. She wears a pale yellow long-sleeved blouse with yellow detail and ribbon on each hip. Around her shoulders, there is a yellow shawl with white ruffles and the Cure Module in the center, with a yellow bow beneath it. Her short, yellow balloon skirt has a ruffled light yellow peplum over it. She also wears white and light yellow boots with a yellow ribbon adorned by a heart on top.

As Crescendo Cure Muse, Ako's hair thickly curls and becomes lighter in color. Her ribbons change shape, and her attire becomes white and pale yellow, with details in yellow and light yellow. Her skirt remains the same, but the layers above it grow in length and gain a feathery, gold cape-like piece hanging from the back to match her newly gained wings.


Ako is initially introduced as a reserved and somewhat abrasive girl, quick to lash out and treat those around her rudely and inconsiderately. Eventually, it is revealed that this behavior is due in part to Minor Land's takeover of Major Land and her belief that she would be forced to save everyone on her own.

In her Masked form, Cure Muse is very aloof and mysterious. She insists that she's not an ally of the other Cures, though she does often show up to lend them her aid. She does not speak in this form, instead allowing Dodory to speak for her.

After her identity as Cure Muse is revealed and she finally joins the rest of the Pretty Cures outright, Ako lets down her cold exterior somewhat. She reveals herself to be a sweet and considerate girl who enjoys music and loves to sing. She acts somewhat mature for her age and seems capable of understanding things most kids her age wouldn't.

Despite being the Princess of Major Land, Ako has little sense of grandeur about herself. She often insists that people simply call her by her name rather than her title.


  • Minamino Souta: Her best friend in Kanon Town. Although she can at times act sternly towards him, she genuinely cares about him and sees him as a friend—a fact which Souta knows, even if Ako doesn't always show it. Souta is briefly implied to have romantic feelings for Ako, though she doesn't seem to be aware of this.
  • Shirabe Otokichi: Otokichi is Ako's maternal grandfather, who she has a very close relationship with. She lives with him while staying in Kanon Town.
  • Mephisto: Ako's father. Her desire to save him from the control of Noise is what initially led to her becoming a Pretty Cure, and she's shown to adore and look up to him. Despite this, she does get annoyed with him at times, often getting flustered by his awkward behavior.
  • Aphrodite: Ako's mother. The two are close, with Ako admiring her greatly and Aphrodite caring about her deeply in return.


Shirabe (調辺)?: has two meanings. Shira (調)? means "tone" (fitting the theme of Suite Pretty Cure♪) and Be ()? means "side" or "area". Her surname sounds like the word "shirabe" (調べ), which means "playing music."[1]

Ako (アコ)?: is taken from the word "acoustic" (アコースティック)?, parallel to Ellen's "electric".

Cure Muse: Muse is derived from the names of Greek goddesses. They represent inspiration for literature, science, arts, and music.



As a younger child, Ako, as the Princess of Major Land, was a much happier individual who was treated with respect by her subjects and loved by her parents.

However, after Minor Land's takeover of her home, she fled to Kanon Town and was led to believe she would be forced to save everyone on her own. As such, she became cold, and pushed others away, showing a rude and inconsiderate side around people older then her unless she liked them, and even then she could come across as condescending and sternly cold if annoyed.

Appearances As Ako[]

Ako first appears walking with Kanade's brother Minamino Souta to school.SPC06 She runs into Hojo Hibiki and Minamino Kanade arguing and tells them to get out of her way. She seems to be disrespectful of her elders and somewhat mature for her age. She also tells Hibiki and Kanade later that she likes singing but is not very good at it. In a later episode, she and Souta see Hummy and Siren together and tell Hibiki and Kanade about it.SPC20

Appearances As the Masked Cure[]

Cure Muse was first shown as the Masked Cure in the show's first opening sequence. She makes her first appearance when she saves Kanade and Hibiki from a Negatone made by Bassdrum at a fake music contest near the clock tower.SPC11 Hibiki and Kanade immediately began speculating about her identity. Some suspects were Nishijima Waon and Higashiyama Seika. Also, Bassdrum calls out to Cure Muse and refers to her as "Siren!" leading to the speculation that Cure Muse may actually be Siren.SPC12 However, this is soon proven false, as she saves the Cures from Siren herself.SPC13 She both saves the Cures and helps them on several other occasions but starts to worry that the others are getting too powerful when they acquire the Healing Chest.

Saving Mephisto's Heart And Joining the Team[]

Ako explains that she became a Cure on the very day Mephisto stole the legendary score. She hid her identity and became the masked Cure because she really didn't want to fight against her father. After Hibiki said that they were fighting to save Mephisto, she revealed herself but still could not quite bring herself to fight her father. Melody, Rhythm and Beat start fighting him for her but are hopelessly outmatched, so Ako steps in as Muse and begs her father to stop. This does not work, as Mephisto is too well controlled by the noise of evil. Finally, Muse gathers up her courage and punches Mephisto, which knocks him back to his senses and returns him to normal.

Cure Muse[]

"Playing the Goddess' tune, Cure Muse!"
Tsumabiku wa megami no shirabe, Kyua Myūzu!
Cure Muse

Cure Muse poses after transformation

Cure Muse (キュアミューズ)? is the Pretty Cure alter ego of Ako. She transforms using her Cure Module, along with Fairy Tone Dodory. Her true form was first revealed in episode 35, and her first official transformation occurred in episode 36.

Cure Muse doesn't have a special purification weapon; instead, she uses her Cure Module to attack. With the help of Shiry, she can perform Shining Circle and Sparkling Shower.


  • Let's Play! Pretty Cure Modulation!: Dodory flies up and inserts themself into Ako's Cure Module. Ako shouts the phrase "Let's Play! Pretty Cure Modulation!" while drawing a clef, then her glowing body is wrapped in yellow ribbons and her glasses magically disappear. She then gains her shawl, blouse, top half body's accessories, and skirt along with her peplum. Her hair splits and lengthens, and her forehead piece also appears alongside her two sets of ribbons. Her boots also conjure themselves. Muse then does a dance and strikes a pose, then introduces herself to conclude her transformation.


  • Shining Circle (シャイニングサークル)? is her solo sub-attack that requires the blue Fairy Tone Shiry and her Cure Module. It is first used in episode 37.
  • Sparkling Shower (スパークリングシャワー)? is her finishing attack, also requiring her Cure Module and the blue Fairy Tone Shiry. It is first used in episode 37.
  • Suite Session Ensemble (スイート セッション アンサンブル)? is a group attack that she performs with Melody, Rhythm, and Beat. To perform it, they need the Healing Chest and the trust of the Crescendo Tone.
  • Pretty Cure Passionate Harmony (プリキュア・パッショナートハーモニー)? is a special group attack Cure Muse can perform with Cure Melody, Cure Rhythm and Cure Beat in the Suite Pretty Cure♪ novel. It is only used once to destroy the villain Vanish.
  • She can also create a rainbow-colored piano clapping her hands together and spreading the keys out. When she plays on this piano, the keys shoot out to surround her target within a barrier. She uses this to trap enemies and also to protect friends and civilians.

Upgrade Forms[]

Crescendo Cure Muse[]

Crescendo Cure Muse Profile TV Asahi

Crescendo Cure Muse

Crescendo Cure Muse (クレッシェンドキュアミューズ)? is an upgraded form that Cure Muse attains in episode 47. The Crescendo Tone is required for this transformation upgrade; as the original Crescendo Tone was sealed up by Noise, the eight Fairy Tones combined to become a Crescendo Tone, allowing the Cures to transform. In this form, the Cures can perform Suite Session Ensemble Crescendo Finale.


Ako's voice actor, Ōkubo Rumi, has recorded several image songs for the character she voices. These songs often feature duets with Ami Koshimizu, who voices Hojo Hibiki, Fumiko Orikasa, who voices Minamino Kanade, and Toyoguchi Megumi, who voices Siren/Kurokawa Ellen.

Overture~Overture of Friendship~

Group Songs[]


  • Ako is the first Pretty Cure to be:
    • An elementary school student.
    • A yellow Cure who joins the team as the fourth member.
    • A human from another world.
    • A princess.
  • Though Ako's age isn't stated in the show, it's revealed in an interview and printed on some of her character collectible cards.
  • Ako shares her Cure name with the Mermaid Queen's middle name, Muses from Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure.
  • Cure Muse has the least amount of focus and speaking lines in the All Stars movies compared to the rest of the Cures. Currently, she has only spoken in Pretty Cure All Stars New Stage: Mirai no Tomodachi and HUGtto! Pretty Cure♡Futari wa Pretty Cure: All Stars Memories.
  • Cure Muse looks older when she's wearing a mask, which is why Hibiki, Kanade, and Ellen didn't initially suspect Ako to be Cure Muse. In episode 34, it was revealed that Ako knows how to walk on stilts, hinting at her true identity as Cure Muse.
  • Ako appeared as Cure Muse to give the 10th anniversary congratulatory speech at the beginning of episode 33 in Happiness Charge Pretty Cure!.
  • She is the only Suite♪ Cure:
    • whose Fairy Tone doesn't match her theme color, though as the masked Cure Muse her costume is of a darker color that more closely resembles her Fairy Tone.
    • to have only one character song.
    • who doesn't have a special purification weapon; instead, she uses her Cure Module to attack.
    • who doesn't have a catchphrase.
  • In the Suite Pretty Cure♪ novel, Ako is one of the victims that is affected by Vanish due to Hibiki's sadness. She is later saved by Pii-chan and along with her friends defeat Vanish with the special attack "Pretty Cure Passionate Harmony".


Main Page: Shirabe Ako/Image Gallery

