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Pretty Cure Wiki
HuPC34 Fumito s Asupower

Chise Fumito's Tomorrow Powerer

Tomorrow Powerer, also called Asu Power (アスパワワ)?, is one of the main abstract concepts that exists in the setting of HUGtto! Pretty Cure.

Characteristics and Powers[]

Tomorrow Powerer is considered the parallel of Prickly Powerer. It is a source of abstract power that is born from people's hearts that believe in the future. It is untouchable, but can present itself in colorful, glittery sparkles.

It is powerful enough to change the courses of the future, when accumulated within the masses. It is also able to manifest into Mirai Crystals and Melody Sword, grant the Cures their transformation powers, purify Oshimaida, as well as being Hugtan's main power. Without hope for the future, the Cures will lose their transformation until they regain their faith. Therefore, it is targeted by Criasu Corporation.


  • "Asu" means "tomorrow" in Japanese.[1]
  • Although not specified in the season, it is indicated that Mother Heart is the origin of Tomorrow Powerer.

