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Pretty Cure Wiki

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Yukishiro Aya (雪城 彩 Yukishiro Aya)? is Honoka's mother. With her husband Yukishiro Taro, they work overseas as traders who buy and sell jewelry. Since they can't let Honoka come along, they leave her grandmother to take care of her while traveling, but they always visit her on her birthday. 



Aya has light skin and gentle, dark brown eyes to match her hair. Her hair is normally worn in a bun on top of her head with an intake on the corner of her short bangs. She wears lipstick and a pair of earrings and has a formal appearance. Normally she wears a white turtleneck with a pale beige jacket and pencil skirt with a slit on the corner, paired with white heels that have a beige toe.


Aya is a stern and mature adult, but she becomes very mushy and sweet when interacting with Honoka- to the point of being embarrassing, but she is always well-meaning. She misses her daughter dearly whenever she can't see her for extended periods of time.




